Kapaa High School | 4695 Mailihuna Rd. Kapaa, HI 96746 | Main Office Hours: 7am - 4pm M-F, Year Round | 808.821.4400
Nancy Borilez
, Kapaa High Parent Community Network Facilitator | Room I-102 (Main Office Bldg) | Direct 808.821.4401 x106 | nancy_borilez@notes.k12.hi.us

Monday, December 5, 2011

Updates - Week of December 5th

Our school's SLC site provides a wealth of information addressing the Smaller Learning Community progress. Posted information shares latest versions of frameworks, descriptions, Hui and Academy meeting agendas & minutes, training handouts, etc.


Attached also is the updated academy selection and registration calendar.

Consistent monitoring of students' progress per your curriculum maps remains a critical must do. Administration will be asking all teachers to provide information as to their students' status in January after grades are submitted so to have that comprehensive picture. We are planning to provide extended learning support sessions during the winter break targeting students needing extra help. Asked Doris Morioka to coordinate.

Don't forget to support our school's blood drive this Wednesday in the library. Kudos to Kara Kitamura and her students in making this outstanding community service a reality in benefiting our community.

Weekly Calendar:

Monday, Dec. 5th: Unit 5 HSTA members voting for proposed calendar @2:30 p.m. Library
Tuesday, Dec. 6th: Apple PLC sessions (all day)
Wednesday, Dec. 7th: Blood Drive (all day) @Library
Faculty meeting @1:45 p.m. Chorus room
Thursday, Dec. 8th: Principal @Complex Area peer review of SY 2012-13 Academic Plan 8:00 a.m.
Common Planning for HUI, Academy, Inclusion, IEPs, & Bell Schedule 2:30 p.m.

Have a great week!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Updates - Week of November 28th

Hope everyone had an enjoyable Thanksgiving break! I am glad to be back and would like to acknowledge both Diane and Todd for covering for me while I was on leave.

With approximately 14 instructional days left in the second quarter (1st semester), please take that time to critically assess every student's progress per your curriculum maps. For those students struggling, be sure to document interventions such as differentiated instructions, tutorials, parental notifications, etc. Closing the learning gap through interventions are stated within our current academic plans which we are accountable to provide an update to the School Community Council.

As shared earlier, work in planning for SY 2012-13 academic goals, financial supports, and staffing continues. I believe that any plan should be easy to understand with a few clear goals based on data and accountability. I'm tentatively planning to have a faculty meeting on Wednesday, Dec. 7th to discuss next year's draft as well as other operational items. While our school's academic plan isn't finalized until the end of the school year, I need to submit our draft in January 2012.

Program offering discussions for SY 2012-13 master schedule continue as departments share their requests. As we align courses within the Academy framework we need to be conscious that our 2012-13 student enrollment projection is around 1,012. I am committed to maintaining our current staffing count to support for reasonable class sizes. A new bell schedule to meet the Board of Education credit requirements, implementing our Academy focus, and honoring department's request for additional courses is also a priority.

Reminder that our school's fire inspection will be happening on Monday, Nov. 28th. @8:30 a.m. Inspectors to be walking through the entire school facility so be sure to recheck that there are no violations.

Weekly Calendar:

Monday, Nov. 28th: Fire Inspection 8:30 a.m.
Tuesday, Nov. 29th: Principal @Complex Area Leadership mtg. 8 - 3:00 p.m.
Wednesday, Nov. 30th: Open for Bell schedule meetings 1:45 p.m.
Thursday, Dec. 1st: Vice-principals @Complex Area VP mtg 8 - 3:00 p.m.
Common Planning for HUI, Academy, Inclusion, IEPs, & Bell Schedule 2:30 p.m

Have a great week!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Weekly Updates for Nov. 14-17

Folks, sharing this week's updates per my discussion with Mr. Hamada and looking forward to having him return very soon.

As you are aware, the Hawaii Department of Education has a contract in place to have photovoltaic systems installed at all of our schools. The official press release shares that there are no up-front cost to DOE and the we will be able to purchase the electricity for less than half the current utility company cost....savings estimated around $1 million per year. This affords a wonderful opportunity to further align our quest for sustainable energy and model environmental responsibility. Will keep everyone posted in terms of timelines.

Very pleased with the feedback per the recent PLC session with Apple. Special thanks to Nani Daniels, Jim Uyeda, and Kepano Kukewa for donating their time and their commitment for continued support at no cost. The education of our students remain fundamental in terms of standards, literacy, critical thinking, etc. in preparing them for college and careers. We are now challenged in how we utilize technology resources as an integral part of instruction. Across all content areas and support programs, strategic use of technologies is reality. With the 9th grade HUIs in place and SLC Academies for grade 10 in SY 2012-13, technology continues to evolve as part of that normal learning process. Clearly that rate at which we acquire and share information, project based learning, research, assessments, and communicate, reminds us that we must be open to learning and utilizing using technologies as professional learning community.

In reviewing the mid-quarter data, see that we are again faced with a high number of failures. Several questions needs to be addressed such as which and why are these students failing, who are receiving tutorial and interventions, differentiation instruction, patterns, parental contacts, etc. These same issues are stated within our current academic plans and something that needs quality discussion time.

While we are still only into the second quarter, planning for next school year is already taking place addressing academic, financial and staffing. Currently, our student enrollment is just a little over a 1000 students and our SY 2012-13 projection is near the same. One of our plans are to maintain our staffing count to support for reasonable class sizes, SLC HUIs and Academies. Draft AC/FIN for SY 2012-13 will be discussed with staff in early December at which time several decisions need to be made. One of which is our current bell schedule as we are challenged in the additional courses teachers are asking to offer compounded with erratic class size in trying to support common planing.

Weekly Calendar:

Thursday, Nov. 17th: Common Planning for HUI, Academy, Inclusion, IEPs, & Bell Schedule 2:30 p.m

Have a great week!

Diane Ayre
Vice Principal
Kapa'a High School
4695 Mailihuna Rd
Kapa'a, HI 96746
(808) 821-4401, ext. 130
(808) 821-4420, fax

Sunday, November 6, 2011

UPDATES Sunday, November 06

Folks....in communicating with Mr. Hamada, here's this week's updates:

Congratulations to Michelle Rundbaken and her students Ilona Oliver and Raquelle Matayoshi for placing 1st place in the statewide Farmers Insurance Hawaii, Hot Shots Video Competition on Oahu. Their video "Dear Ilona" gave a very inspirational message about losing a friend to drunk driving. Job well done and thank you for making Kapaa High School and our community very proud.

Want to also acknowledge Kelly Bailey and the math department for their good work as the grade 10 students just finished the first round of the Hawaii State Assessment (HSA). Overall there was solid communication and coordination which helped get that high percentage of student participation. Also pleased to see that collectively, they are on top of things in terms of knowing their students' proficiency status and able to support those targeted students. Both Science and English will be administering the HSA shortly and know that their coordination and team work will be there as well.

While we are acknowledging good work, special thanks to Mr. Shane Tanioka and members of New Hope as they have been working very hard through the weekend painting the rest of "A" building. Very inspirational to see adults and students generously give their time, labor and commitment in helping to better our school.

With the mid-point of the second quarter around the corner, critical that we take an accounting of students' progress per your curriculum maps. Our targeted goal of 95% of students being able to demonstrate proficiency to the standards can be and must be realized. As a professional learning organization, your continued review and use of data remains fundamental in guiding instruction. Time has been afforded be it through your department, cross curriculum, and common planning meetings and we remain committed to providing additional department and/or cross content PLC days as we challenge ourselves to positively impact student growth. Attached is our current SY 2011-12 Academic/Financial plans that reflect our school's focus. Please take time to review especially goal 1 where we already know which groups of students are struggling and what we are promising to do for them. Overall, we are moving in the right direction and know we must remain vigilant.

Our SLC Academy work team continues to make good progress. As you are aware, starting with next year's 10th graders, our school will be organized into two Academies.....HOPES and IDEAS. While the content focus may be different, both academies' themes will have similar outcomes in terms of academic rigor, internships, service, sustainability and senior projects. Academy teachers will develop units of study aligned with the academy's goals/themes to improve student engagement, build deeper critical thinking skills and develop stronger academic performance skills. Bottom line...academies will be built on common students, common teachers, common planning and common themes. Please take time to get an update from your content area peers who are serving on this work group as in about a month, we'll be working with interested teachers in terms of staffing for SY 2012-13.

Finally, best wishes to our varsity football team and their coaches as they play for the KIF Championship on Monday, Nov. 7th @Vidinha Stadium. It's been an exciting season and here's to a great game!

Weekly Calendar:
Monday: Nov. 7th: Department & Cross Curr Mtgs 2:30 p.m.

Wednesday: Nov. 9th: Michelle Swanson w/Academy Work Team 8:00 a.m. I102

Thursday, Nov. 10th: Ms. Swanson w/HUIs 8:00 a.m. I102
Common Planning - all departments 2:30 p.m.

Have great week!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Weekly Updates for 10/31/11

As this week marks the beginning for the Hawaii State Assessment (HSA), thank you for taking time to prepare and review "key" standards. Confident that as students were taught and are provided learning opportunities for relevance, we will see marked improvement for those target groups within our overall Mathematics, English, & Science content areas. Our targeted goal of 95% of students being able to demonstrate proficiency to the standards can be realized.

Over the next coming months, we will begin revisiting our targeted goals to do an assessment as to our progress and how it will impact our Academic/Financial plans for SY 2012-13 look like. While this may seem that we are planning very early, the improvement process is an ongoing journey that really never rests. Attached overview provides those key areas we are currently addressing and as a community of professionals, we must be re-visiting our data in making solid decisions addressing our students' achievement targets. Data also provides sound feedback in addressing where we are, do we want to stay the course, what changes do we need, etc. Departments should be discussing about what new courses they'd like to offer, re-vamping course descriptions to reflect rigor, especially within our AP and CTE areas. As a professional learning organization, we must not be afraid in making errors but instead be brave in taking steps in always looking for solid proven practices, trends, solutions and other characteristics that positively impacts students' learning.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Updates - Week of October 24th

In preparing for the upcoming Hawaii State Assessment (HSA) in November, reminder that targeted content (Mathematics, English, & Science) areas need to be consistently reviewing students' progress to those key standards. Mathematics may be challenging as much of the assessment addresses Algebra standards while the majority of grade 10 students are in geometry. With ongoing reviews being carried out, confident that students will demonstrate positive growth. Anchor standards addressing reading and writing should continue to be a school-wide collaborative effort across all content areas in preparing students for college and careers. Remember reading..."teach students to read like a detective and to write like an investigative reporter." Our targeted goal of 95% of students being able to demonstrate proficiency to the standards can be realized.

As we continue to improve ourselves as an organization, our current KIP continues to evolve to a data team process where we as a faculty of professionals must get into that practice at always looking at data....formative and/or summative. Only through the use of data as a learning community, can we become more "akamai" in making solid decisions addressing practices within our classrooms, support programs, interventions, etc. We must not be afraid in making errors but instead be bold in taking steps in always looking for solid proven practices, trends, solutions and other characteristics that provide us guidance. One example of change is moving away from putting students into special alternative classes but instead making learning more relevant/meaningful through stronger pedagogy, focused programs, and providing timely learning opportunity supports such focused tutorials, alignment of programs per the academies. etc.

Over the next 4 - 5 years, our SLC focus will develop as that foundation where all teachers are dedicated to an academy where courses per 9 - 12th grades are aligned with common planning, common students and common teams of teachers working together. We have the right ingredients for success here at Kapaa where our talents, skills and expertise are second to none.

Finally, as we move into building our technology capacity in this 21st century, pleased to share that Kapaa High and Elementary will be partnering in receiving upgrades to our telecommunications system. This pivotal infrastructure upgrade is critical for the ever expanding technology demands and glad that Mike Maddock will serve as one of the lead key personnel in working with the contractor. We will also work with the contractor to minimize classroom interruptions and similar to the electrical upgrades that was accomplished this past year. Bottom line, over the months ahead, our school will continue progressing in terms of technology capacity along with the additional electrical/telecommunication demands to support this effort.

Weekly Calendar:
Tuesday, Oct. 25th: Principal @Kauai Complex Area Leadership meeting

Wednesday, Oct. 26th: PLC session - WASC Mid-term report discussions per accreditation visit @Chorus room 1:45 p.m.

Thursday, Oct. 27th: HUI collaboration Day @Library 7:45 a.m.
Common Planning - all departments 2:30 p.m.

That's it and have great week!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Updates - Week of October 17th

Happy Spirit Week - Go WARRIORS!

Reminder to continue to incorporate writing within your curriculum. As part of our Professional Learning sessions, we will be reviewing examples of students' writing products across all content areas throughout the school year.

Attached is October's PLC calendar sent from Beth Pemberton earlier. Please note that Wednesday's, Oct. 19th session will have teachers sharing about the Interactive Notebook.

Reminder that the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) will be returning during the second semester for our mid-term assessment. As shared earlier, key areas that the visiting team will be reviewing are standards based instruction, use of data to ensure to monitor instruction, assessment process, types of professional development based on data, communication with parents addressing student learning, and progress per the revised bell schedule.

Finally, wanted to speak to our good work in terms of the HUIs and Academies. As we move forward in planning how we can better structure our school over the next 3 - 4 years, one of the primary reasons for this effort is to build that sense of relevance, rigor and personalization for all students. T eachers will eventually be dedicated to an academy where over the course from 9 - 12th grades, there will be that clear alignment. In terms of our Smaller Learning Community (SLC) program, we will continue to work hard to build that aligned focus for common planning, common students and with common teams of teachers. On a good forward basis over the next few years, we will honor those talents, skills and expertise of our staff as we are blessed with a very talented staff. Our transition will have that flexibility and consideration of certification, expertise and what else is needed to build capacity for the future. Please be assured that we have a good core of representatives within the Academies work group and there will always be open and timely communication so that everyone is aware.

Weekly Calendar:
Monday - SLC consortium schools mtg -Oahu

Wednesday - PLC session on Interactive Notebook @Chorus and Band Rooms @1:45 p.m.

Have great week!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Additional Updates - Week of Oct.10th

Our recent Fall intercession tutorial sessions were very successful as the number of students attending were very good as compared to past sessions. Thanks to Doris Morioka Fulks for the coordination and the teachers/support staff who came in to help support the students. Let's continue to encourage students to take advantage of the after school tutoring as students can always use extra supports.

Quarter 1 grades are due to the Todd Barcial by Friday Oct. 14th at 8:00 a.m. Upon receipt of all of the grades, Mr. Barcial will print verification rosters and will leave it in teachers' boxes. Verification rosters will be due to Todd on Monday Oct. 17th no later than 4:00 p.m. If you have completed your 1st quarter grades, please submit to Todd so he can address this process quicker.

Special kudos to Shane Tanioka and members of New Hope congregation for their tremendous gift. This past Saturday, they painted a good portion of A wing (rooms 9A - 13) and Mr. Tanioka's plans are to complete painting the entire wing over the next few weeks. Please be sure to share your appreciation should you meet up with Shane or other members of New Hope.

I will be out of the office beginning Tuesday, Oct. 11th and returning around the last week in October.....until then both Diane and Todd will be in charge.

Have a great week!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Updates - Week of Oct.10th

Welcome back and hope that everyone had a restful and relaxing break.

Reminder that the PSAT will be administered this Wednesday to students in grades 9, 10 & 11. Testing begins from period one until lunch and there will be no morning recess that day. Concurrently seniors will be meeting in the gym regarding their senior projects, graduation, senior contracts, etc. Teachers and support staff should have all been assigned and crossing my fingers that day goes smoothly! Due to the length of time involved with the PSAT, there will be no morning prep periods and teachers will be released at 1:35 that day.

As "writing" per the anchor standards is a primary focus across all content areas, administration will be asking teachers to share samples of students' writing products during the second quarter. Critical to have that solid school wide understanding and we will continue to have conversations about writing as part of the PLC sessions throughout the school year. Attached is October's PLC calendar.

The Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) will be returning during the second semester for our mid-term assessment reviewing progress addressing the accreditation report. Key areas that the visiting team will be asking teachers, administrators and support staff for evidence are:
  • Standards based learning and research based instructional practices in all classes;
  • Use of data to ensure to monitor instruction and students' learning;
  • System to assess all programs, reform initiatives, and professional development that is data driven;
  • Reporting practices on the academic progress and successes to parents/community; and
  • Revised bell schedule as it relates to meeting students needs.

While there were other areas discussed in the accreditation report such as Professional Learning Communities (PLC), Literacy, Data for School Improvement (DSI), Extended learning Opportunities (ELO), Smaller Learning Communities, Open Honors, Advanced Placement, etc., please note that we are addressing these areas as they are reflected in our current Academic/Financial plan. Copies of our Academic/Financial plans were provided at the opening meeting in August (included in the jump drive).

Finally, some construction updates.......
Walkway: Final inspection is scheduled for Wednesday, Oct. 12th and hopefully will be able to use the walkway this week.

Girls' Softball Stadium: Major work is pretty much almost completed as the contractor is addressing those finish types of work on the buildings, score board, back stop screen and the playing field. Attached are some recent inspection pictures and one picture reflects the color choice for walls for the bathrooms and concessions.....not an interior designer but thought it was a good selection.

Weekly Calendar:
Wednesday, Oct. 12th: PSAT/Senior Assembly
Early Release Day

Thursday, Oct. 13th: SLC Leadership Team meeting - P140 1:30 p.m.

Friday, Oct. 14th: Mike Neubig working w/ Academy work group I012 8:00 a.m.

Have a great week!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Updates - Week of Sept. 26th

Time certainly flies as the last week of the first quarter is here! As it promises to be busy with assessments, final projects, etc., asking for everyone's support to maintain that academic learning environment. Please minimize amount of time students leave your classrooms and let's help get our student into their classes on time. Reminder that first quarter grades are to due October 14, 2011 by 8:00 a.m.

The faculty PSAT training session will be on Monday, Sept. 26th in place of department meetings to prepare identified staff in administering the assessment on Wednesday, Oct. 12, 2011. Our Smaller Learning Communities (SLC) grant allows for us to administer our 9th, 10th and 11th graders the PSAT. Testing will begin from period one until lunch and there will be no morning recess that day. Seniors will be meeting in the gym regarding their senior projects, graduation, senior contracts, etc. Teachers and support staff will be assigned either to help with the PSAT or Senior class meeting. Due to the length of time involved with the PSAT, there will be no morning prep periods and teachers will be released at 1:35 that day.

Kudos to everyone for the continued good work! In visiting classrooms saw many positive examples of focused learning. Appreciated seeing examples of applied learning where students applied their recent learned knowledge to complex problem solving activities either individually and/or cooperatively. Saw examples of students' work products within a culminating presentation and my favorite is always being able to see students self-management themselves in planning and prioritizing to meeting their deadlines.

Today's economic trends and skills needed for the 21st century workforce calls for individuals who are problem solvers, critical and analytical thinkers. As the amount of information continues to expand, truly difficult for anyone to memorize/keep up with continued growth. To truly prepare our students, Kapaa High School must consistently model that balanced curriculum - innovative problem solving activities where students not just only passively learn facts but incorporate it, digest into meaningful learning activities, more writing, and other real world applied hands-on learning. Research is very clear that when students' are afforded an environment of performance based learning, their learning curve dramatically rises due to the relevance.

Weekly Calendar:
Monday, September 26th: PSAT training session 2:30 p.m.
Principal @ Leadership Symposium - Oahu

Tuesday, September 27th: Open House 6 - 8:00 p.m.
Principal @Complex Area Leadership meeting

Thursday, September 29TH: VPs @Complex Area Vice-Principals' meeting

Friday, September 30th: End of 1st Quarter (43 days)

October 3 - 7, 2011: Intercession - Fall Break

Monday, Oct. 10th: Teachers do not report

Here's to a great ending for the 1st quarter!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Updates - Week of Sept. 19th

Attached revised PLC calendar for September reflects Michelle Swanson working with the HUIs on Thursday, Sept. 22nd and Academy members on Friday, Sept. 23rd. Please also note, that we will not be having a PLC session on Wednesday, Sept. 21st as teachers should use this time to reflect/discuss intervention strategies in helping to close the achievement gap and catching-up on other items. With only two weeks of the quarter left, important to assess students' achievement per your curriculum maps.

Reminder that there will be a full faculty training session on Monday, Sept. 26th in place of department meetings in order to prepare all of our teachers for their roles on Oct. 12, 2011. Per our Smaller Learning Communities (SLC) grant, all of our 9th, 10th and 11th graders will be able to take the PSAT test on Wednesday, Oct. 12. Testing will begin from period one until lunch and there will be no morning recess that day. Seniors will be meeting in the gym regarding their senior projects, graduation, senior contracts, etc. Teachers and support staff will be assigned either to the gym or to classrooms in helping with the PSAT. Due to the length of time involved with the PSAT, there will be no prep periods and teachers will be released at 1:35 that day.

Finally I want to follow-up in addressing the anchor standards of Reading, Writing, Speaking and Critical Thinking across all content areas. Per recent discussions addressing struggling students and interventions, evident that more work is needed so to build that literacy focus. Example can be seen when addressing our writing focus, there are a good number of positive examples of writing instruction and this practice needs to become common practice for all classes. Strategies such as having word walls, student writing samples posted, common rubrics to build common understanding/expectations, etc., all help to expand students' learning. As a professional community, we know what needs to be done in helping our students to grow. The inevitable truth is that when any student struggles, we are accountable in doing everything possible to help our students succeed. Appreciate your efforts in supporting each other as we provide that quality education for our students.

Weekly Calendar:
Monday, September 19th: Leadership meeting 8:00 a.m. @Principal's Office
PTSA meeting 6:30 p.m. @Student Center

Tuesday, September 20th: School Community Council meeting 5:30 p.m. @Student Center

Wednesday, September 21st: Kapaa High School's Foundation meeting 6:00 p.m. @Student Center

Thursday, September 22nd: HUI collaboration meeting w/Michelle Swanson 8:00 a.m. @library

Friday, September 23rd: ACADEMIES collaboration meeting w/Michelle Swanson 8:00 a.m. @library

Have a great week!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Kapaa High School’s Open House: One Night - All Grade Levels

Kapaa High announces Open House for ALL Grade Levels, Tuesday, September 27, 2011 from 6:00-8:00 pm in the School Cafeteria. Dinner 6-6:45 pm ~ Parent Meetings 7-8 pm

Parents/Guardians of Kapaa High come join us for a BBQ Dinner, provided by the Kapaa High PTSA, followed by respective Grade Level Parent Meetings. Receive valuable information on Academics, Small Learning Communities, College and Career Planning, Athletics, Student Clubs, PTSA, Project Grad, SAT’s, Scholarships & Financial Aid, Senior Contracts, Commencement, and more. Don’t miss this opportunity to get the answers to your questions and concerns which will better aid you and your teen in navigating successfully through their high school years.

Who: Parents/Guardians of Kapaa High Students
What: Kapaa High School’s Open House - All Grade Levels
When: Tuesday, September 27, 2011 6-8 pm
Where: Kapaa High School Cafeteria ~ Handicap accessible.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Updates - Week of Sept. 12th

The Academy Design Team has been hard at work since January developing a framework and timeline for the implementation of Academies at Kapa’a High School. The plans have been morphed and refined at each stage as we learn more from outside experts about best practices associated with implementing Academies. The team will be presenting the draft framework to the faculty on Wednesday, September 14th with the hopes of getting input and support from teachers. The framework will be refined based on teacher input and then presented to parents and potential industry, government and education partners over the next several weeks for more input and support. As the Academy Design Team would love to be able to respond effectively to any faculty questions about Academies, they are asking that you please send any burning questions to Lisa Mireles via Lotus Notes by Tuesday 9/13/11 at noon. Your Academy Design Team currently includes co-chairs Janis Gowan and Evan Costa; David Mireles, Denise Asher, Andrew Oda, Kelly Bailey, Carleen Haneberg, Chanelle Quinones, Lillian Wadahara, Todd Barcial, Todd Harrison, Kara Kitamura, Robyn Keawe, Kimberlee Stuart, Guy Ho, Colonel Bob Levoit, Beth Pemberton, Emmi Masumura, Lisa Mireles and Crystal Rowe. Please thank these colleagues for their hard work and dedication as they have attended numerous extra meetings, planning days and workshops in order to learn more how to best implement the Academy model for our students.

At Wednesday's, Sept. 14th PLC session, faculty will be divided into two groups. Assigned groups will be meeting in either the Band or Chorus room as presenters will be rotating. Teachers will be informed where they are to report early next week. Besides the Academies, will be addressing intervention strategies and pleased to have colleagues Tara Bonilla and Jim Cox volunteer to share. Attached is our school's intervention flow chart and ask that you read this as it aligns with the Department's Comprehensive Student Support Services (CSSS) intervention process.

Thanks to the Smaller Learning Communities (SLC) grant we will be giving all of our 9th, 10th and 11th graders the PSAT test on Wednesday, Oct. 12. The testing will begin 1st period and run until lunch. There will be no morning recess that day. The seniors will be attending an assembly in the gym regarding senior project, graduation, senior contract, Jostens cap & gown and other fun stuff. All teachers and staff will be assigned either to the gym or to a classroom to test students. Because there will be no preps through this time, teachers will be released at 1:35 that day. There will be a full faculty training session on Monday, Sept. 26th in place of department meetings in order to prepare all of our teachers for their roll on Oct. 12, 2011.

Attached a revised calendar for September that reflects changes in allowing early release for both the Sept. 26th faculty PSAT training and Sept. 27th Open House

A reminder that the "My Courses and Anchor Standards for Writing" template are due to Beth Pemberton this week. You may submit as a department, HUI and/or individually. Administration will spend week of Oct. 3rd reviewing and making an alignment tied to teachers' syllabus.

Finally I want to revisit our "true north" as an educational institutio n . Our recent breakout groups on Wednesday, September 7th addressing struggling students and interventions was very revealing. Want to thank everyone who came together so that we are proactive in supporting and minimizing failures. These types of conversations must continue as part of our professional practice. Special thanks to our counselors for their facilitation and planned follow-up. Kudos to SSC, Doris Morioka Fulks and her clerk, Sheila Saiki for compiling the data and getting the information out. As professionals, we know the learning challenges that our students face and the importance to adjust/change to ensure that "ALL" students show growth. The inevitable truth is that when a student fails, we hold ourselves accountable as laying blame only on the student, parent, etc. is much too easy.....the education of every student must and will always be a collaborative process. Thank you for being life-long learners, professionals open to change/growth and truly supporting each other for the sake of our students.

Weekly Calendar:
Monday, September 12th: Principal @SLC consortium meeting - Oahu
Wednesday, September 14th: PLC group meetings 1:45 p.m. (Band and Chorus rooms)
Friday, September 16th: School-wide evacuation drill to Mahelona

Have a great week!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Updates - Week of Sept. 5th

Beginning January 2012 (second semester), the following changes will take place for Personal Transition Plans (PTP). Grade 10 students will complete their Personal Transition Plan (PTP) as part of their Careers class. Both Mr. James Sanchez and Ms. Jannah Tafua will incorporate within the Careers curriculum those learning assignments/projects that would have been done through the grade 11 social studies classes. Present grade 11 students will continue to work on their PTP within their 11th grade social studies classes and present grade 12 students who have not finished their PTP will be supported by their counselors, Tara Bonilla (PTP Coordinator) and Crystal Rowe (special education).

Reason for this change is to make the Personal Transition Plan more focused for grade 9 and 10 students. This provides the foundation for independent college/career exploration during grades 11 and 12. Counselors will meet with juniors and seniors to review post high school plans which includes a discussion of educational and vocational options. This helps seniors per their Senior Projects and highlights the important work of the Academies' work group. Special "kudos" to James Sanchez, Jannah Tafua, Tara Bonilla, and Robyn Keawe for making this change a reality.

As we begin the last half of the first quarter (19 instructional days), critical that we continue to monitor students' progress systemically. Our school-wide comprehensive student support (CSSS) system needs to reflect that systemic practice of documented interventions in supporting students. On Wednesday, Sept. 7th teachers will be assigned into smaller PLC groups to further address interventions. Teachers will receive an electronic folder containing an intervention template for each student that received a failing grade. Student's intervention form is to filled out prior to Wednesday's meeting so that time can be spent on focused dialogue. Department heads will assist with assigning teachers and will have final say as to where teachers go if their students span more than one grade level. Counselors will be facilitating the meetings while ELL, SSC, SPED DH and administration will rotate across all groups.
  • Grade 9 HUIs - (meet in R bldg) Terri Christensen - facilitator
  • Sophomores - (meet in I102) Nellie Okamoto - facilitator
  • Juniors - (meet in F71- Brandon Fujita's room) Salynn Gonsalves - facilitator
  • Seniors - (meet in F70 - Anne Rivera's room) Robyn Keawe - facilitator

A few of reminders addressing standards based grading:
1) In a standards based system, we no longer can just "average" as students' grades should reflect student progress based on evidence such as their work products and assessments; and
2) Before a failing grade is given, there must be documented effort of instructional interventions from both teacher/support staff.

Calendar for September is attached below that provides monthly view of scheduled meetings. Please note, that we are planning for an Open House on Tuesday, September 27th. More information will be shared shortly.

Weekly Calendar:
Tuesday, September 6th: Principal @East Complex Leadership meeting (morning only)
Wednesday, September 7th: PLC group meetings 1:45 p.m.
Thursday, September 8th: Principal - @Legislative Finance Committee meeting (2:00 p.m)

Have a great week!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Updates - Week of August 29th

We'd like to wish Mr. Rodney Yadao congratulations and good fortune as he officially retires on August 31, 2011. Effective September 1, 2011, Mr. Clemente Hudson will be taking over as the new Auto Program instructor. Also, please welcome Craig Hawkinson - half-time science teacher who will also be starting Sept. 1st.

This week marks the mid point for the 1st quarter and we look forward to seeing our students' growth status. More importantly, every teacher should be continuing to reflect on determining interventions ensuring that students are proficient to targeted standards. Remember that we are focused on CLOSING THE ACHIEVEMENT GAP! We will be scheduling to meet with each department/HUI. Support members will include Title I, SPED DH, Counselors, SSC, Curriculum & SLC coordinators, & ELL. Review will be based in looking for evidence on:
  1. Student work (scored samples of writings, etc.)
  2. Formative assessments (results achieved)
  3. Grade books (evidence of standards taught)
  4. Curriculum maps , learning logs, etc. ( brief descriptions of lessons, units, and assessments)

A reminder that the "My Courses and Anchor Standards for Writing" template are due to Beth Pemberton the week of Sept 12th or sooner. You may submit as a department, HUI and/or individually. At the opening day meeting, teachers were provided a jump drive that included samples of the new state level test items closely linked with the "Anchor Standards -Reading, Writing, Critical Thinking and Speaking." Shortly, I will be sharing additional samples where the consortium of over 30 states (SMARTER BALANCE group) have created assessments using samples from science and social studies where students must provide their answers using the four anchor standards.

Kapaa High School teachers have two solid assessment tools to monitor student growth - Achieve 3000 TeenBiz and Data School Improvement Item Bank .
Achieve 3000 TeenBiz: Web-based differentiated literacy solutions that reach every student at his/her lexile. Assignments given to the class are also tailored according to each student's reading level and enables teachers to move students up surely and steadily level by level. This research based solution extends teachers' reach without increasing workloads or time demands and are proven to accelerate reading comprehension, fluency, writing proficiency, vocabulary and has a good correlation with high-stakes test scores. Reason for mentioning this is that the State Office of Curriculum, Instruction and Student Support provided TeenBiz to all secondary schools through a 3 - year state wide contract that expires after this school year. Kapaa High's usage data is low and I'm not sure if another contract will be continued. For more information on the potential, please ask your peers such as David Mireles who did a terrific presentation to a statewide audience about a year ago.

Data for School Improvement (DSI): Provides our 10th grade students and their teachers with a comprehensive picture about students' progress to the HCPS and predicts how they will do on the state assessment. Formative assessment items are aligned with the state standards and there's no limit as to how many times a student can take the DSI assessment. The premise in creating the DSI was to serve as a statewide support tool for students and teachers.

Finally I want to speak to our "true north" as an organization:
Our sole existence and purpose is the education of our students. If data shows that students are struggling, then we must adjust/change to strengthen our daily practices. The inevitable truth is that everything changes as we are not meant to look the same or act the same year in and year out. Growth brings new potential and I know for sure that when we work cohesively and open to receiving them, the possibilities keep on coming. In walking through the classrooms, very pleased to share that there's sound instruction and learning taking place...in fact in a good number of classes, students are challenged with higher level critical thinking types of work and not just recalling information. Yet in a few classes, I do question if there's a bell-to-bell focus and the rigor of the work. This same accountability applies to our support staff and administration in how we are supporting our students. I speak to this so to remind everyone, and especially myself, that we must be life-long learners, open to change/growth and modeling support for each other.

Weekly Calendar:
Monday, Aug. 29th: Department or Cross Curriculum PLC meeting
Tuesday, Aug. 30th : Principal @Complex Leadership meeting 7 - 9:30 a.m.
Thursday, Sept. 2nd: SLC leadership meeting 1:30 p.m.
HUI meeting 2:30 p.m.

Have a great week and keep up the good work!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Updates - Week of August 22nd

Per the August 17th PLC session, attached are copies of the "Session Exit feedback" and "My Courses and Anchor Standards for Writing".

In reviewing the "session exit" feedback, all of the comments except one were very positive. Per the "comments and suggestions", about a third asked for more time to focus. As we have a limited amount of time within a workday, we'll strategize to see if we can honor this request. Overall, majority stated they found session fruitful and appreciated hearing from their peers. Be assured that we'll continue to honor your suggestions.

Reminder to submit how you will be addressing writing within your lessons on the "My Courses and Anchor Standards for Writing" template. You may work on this as a department, HUI and/or individually. As writing is a "tool" of learning, this will serve as one of the accountability "evidence" on students' progress across all disciplines. Please submit to Beth Pemberton (cc -administration) week of Sept. 12th.

Time flies....hard to believe that we are nearing that mid-point for the 1st quarter. Critical that your data provides guidance as to students' progress and determine how to re-teach and/or accelerate learning supports. Beginning the first week of September, administration to meet with each department/HUI to assess student progress. Included in this quarterly curriculum review process will include Title I, SPED DH, Counselors, SSC, Curriculum & SLC coordinators, & ELL. Currently, looking to review evidence based on:
  • Formative assessments (with results achieved)
  • Grade books (evidence that standards are being taught);
  • Curriculum Maps , learning logs, etc ( brief descriptions of lessons, units, and assessments); and
  • Student work (scored samples of writings, etc.)

Mike Neubig, a highly respected consultant on secondary schools will working with our Academy Design Team (chaired by Evan and Janis) and department heads on Wednesday, August 24th. Later he will be speaking at our PLC session providing insights and his work with national & local secondary schools based on the current research to help us better structure our bell schedule to meet students' needs.

Finally.... want to address students' use of profanity and the importance that we are consistent in addressing this unacceptable behavior. Expectations are that every staff member counsel any student that uses profanity (no matter the type of conversations) that this is not tolerated. Need to send that consistent message that all students will conduct themselves with dignity. This extends to extra-curricular clubs, sport events, etc. Our students (adults included) serve as ambassadors in projecting the values/beliefs that Kapaa High School stands for.

Monday - Aug. 22nd: PEP-T meeting - Library 2:30 p.m.
Tuesday - Aug. 23rd: Principal @Complex Area Leadership Meeting
Wednesday - Aug. 24th Academy Design Team session w/Mike Neubig - Library 7:45 a.m.
PLC session w/Mike Neubig - Chorus Room 1:45 p.m.
Thursday - Aug. 25th: Vice-Principals @Complex Area VP Meeting

Thanks for your dedicated efforts in making that positive difference for our students!


Tuesday, August 16, 2011

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Warrior Alert! Kapaa High Website has a new URL!

Aloha Warriors,
Please note the Kapaa High Website new URL is: http://www.k12.hi.us/~kapaahs/.
Please update your bookmarks and spread the word!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Updates - Week of August 15th

In reviewing our students' actions, behaviors and especially academia over the past two weeks, things look quite positive and ask everyone to continue this momentum as we provide that quality education environment second to none.

Want to speak to a few points addressing our master scheduling process to date and how we will be moving forward:
a) Challenges that we were experiencing where class sizes are low and then spikes to the 30's the following period are simply the result in not being able to offer additional sections to help support an equanimity schedule;
b) Our current teacher staffing is well below the student ratio of 27 -1 (in fact all classes should reflect an average of low 20's) and yet we remain victims to an antiquated bell schedule which will continue to challenge us;
c) With the recent new requirements in effect...... Algebra I minimum course for Math and Biology minimum for Science, other less rigorous courses can no longer be offered as a core resulting in some courses/periods having high numbers; and
d) Per BOE Policy 4540, we have that obligation to provide that required 25th credit to all students and that freshmen class affected will coming on board shortly.

On a go forward basis, two immediate actions:
1st) Mike Neubig, consultant with strong national knowledge in working with secondary schools schedules will be meeting with our faculty on Wednesday, August 24th; and
2nd) Will ask for volunteers to serve on the Bell Schedule Work Group to gather input and bring forth a proposal for consideration. Targeted time-frame is around October/November as the SY 2012-13 staffing and other operational costs must be finalized by the end of December 2011.

Important that we are all part of the solution in addressing our future in how our school will look like and operate over the next few years. Know that at the end of the day, we will do what's best for the students.

We are fortunate to be able to host three students and their advisor from our sister school in Ishigaki, Japan. Guests will be visiting classrooms from August 18th - 25th. Lillian Wadahara is doing the coordination and please inform your students that we are confident that they will display that ALOHA spirit.

Congratulations to Col Roberto Levoit as he was recently accepted into the Leadership Kauai program. Leadership Kauai offers a wide venue in working with the various outstanding and respected community leaders. Know that Roberto will be sharing what he has learned to further support our school in our quest for excellence.

Mon. - Aug. 15th: Principal @Smaller Learning Community mtg - Oahu

Wed. - Aug. 17th: Professional Learning Communities Meeting (all staff) 1:45 p.m. @Chorus Room. Continuing discussions/sharing on the anchor standards;

Thurs. - Aug. 18th: Club Fair during lunch recess @Cafeteria Lanai

Fri. - Aug. 19th: Holiday (Statehood) - No School

Thanks and have a great week!

Daniel S. Hamada

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Updates - Week of August 8th

In reflecting the first week of school, majority of students were focused, overall instruction looked consistent bell to bell, and in fact saw a good number of students revel in their classroom activities modeling team camaraderie. As shared, our benchmark target of 95% reflect our expectations for our students as we close that achievement gap.

Over the years, research has been consistent as to common trends in schools with the greatest gains. Fundamentally there are five consistent practices no matter the school's grade level and/or income demographics.....they are holistic accountability; nonfiction writing in every subject; frequent use of common assessments; immediate & decisive interventions; and the constructive use of data. Many of you already know this and the key is whether we implement this consistently in our daily practices.

As we are currently addressing writing in the Wednesday's PLC sessions, evidence is clear that when students engage in more nonfiction writing that includes editing, collaborative scoring, constructive teacher feedback, and re-writing....student achievement improves. Perhaps author Steven King said it best...."that writing is thinking through the end of a pen". Successful schools do not use writing as a diversion from math, science, music, or sports. Rather they have that conviction that if these disciplines are worthy of thinking, then they are worthy of writing.

Realize that some educators may have an aversion to nonfiction writing and their preference for fiction writing is based on the idea that nonfiction is boring and fiction is entertaining. Yet.... tell that to an elementary student watching a butterfly emerge from a cocoon; that middle school student who feels pride & excitement about an art project; and that high school student who is very passionate about global economics. Students want to engage in rich, descriptive, persuasive and analytical writing....that in itself makes nonfiction writing fun, exciting and real.

Special kudos to Brandon Fujita and his students for planting the recently donated pine tress along the northern end of our campus fence line. As you may be aware, about 25 trees were donated by Grove Farm Kauai in helping to beautify as well as stop the erosion of our campus in certain areas. Awesome when students model that civic responsibility in helping to better our school.

Friday, August 12th is the "official student enrollment count date where schools may be gaining or losing resources. Our Academic/Financial plan already reflects a solid focused plan and we'll be fine. Will have a more comprehensive agenda discussion with the Dept Chairs this Thursday and should you have items that need to be covered, please check with your dept chair.

Finally, please submit your "course syllabus" electronically to the principal by Monday, August 8th; and your "Employee Information for Emergency Purposes" sheet to Leila Kaneholani as soon as possible.

Wed, Aug. 10th: Professional Learning Communities Meeting (all staff) 1:45 p.m. @Chorus Room. Continuing discussions on the Writing anchor standards;

Thurs, Aug. 11th: Department Chair meeting 2:30 p.m. @Library

Fri. - Aug. 12th: Official Student Enrollment count date; and
Welcome Back Assembly 1:10 - 2:20 p.m. @Gym

Thanks and have a great week!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Updates - Week of August 1st

As we begin SY 2011-12, wishing everyone the very best as we support all students to achieve. Together we will focus on:
  • Closing the achievement gap; and
  • Building our internal capacity.

Our benchmark target of 95% reflect that high expectations we expect of ourselves for our students. Throughout this year, we will collaboratively review those critical data such as attendance, grades, promotion, HSA, Chapter 19, extra curricular, etc. to help monitor our progress. We will also spend time as a professional community of learners to ensure that we are headed in the right direction. Change is constant and our success must reflect that learning organization where we collaboratively adapt, learn and transform based on data. We must honor and continue building that learning community culture, including building norms for working together.

Over the weekend, our school was very fortunate in having a very successful beautification project. Thank you to the New Hope congregation, businesses such as Home Depot and Pono Market, and other community members for giving of their time. Kudos to also PCNC - Nancy Borilez and VP - Todd Harrison for their good work!

Addressing the status of the construction projects.....the "covered walkway" will be continuing through August and the "softball stadium" is slated to finish sometime around November. The re-roofing work for Bldg "B" (Science) and "K" (Gym) are expected to be done on this week with the final inspection on Friday, Aug. 5th. The electrical upgrades for Bldg. A is almost done and should be ready by the end of this week. Appreciate everyone's patience and to minimize disruptions, moved several projects back to the first intercession and/or summer.

The HUI's 9th grade orientation will be on Monday, August 1st beginning @8:00 a.m. in the gym. Please introduce yourselves to the students and parents during their orientation of the school. Teachers not involved are asked to meet as departments in planning as to how the anchor Literacy standards ( Reading, Writing, Speaking & Listening) will be integrated through their instruction and student work. Department Chairs are asked to ensure that their department is ready to share implementation examples at the first PLC mtg scheduled for Wednesday, August 3rd @2:00 p.m.

Teachers are asked to review and submit their course syllabus electronically to the principal by Monday, August 8th, 2011.


Mon. - Aug.1st: *Freshman Orientation 7:45 - 2:20 p.m; and
*Departments Meetings - discuss incorporating the four anchor standards (reading, writing, speaking and listening) within each discipline.
Wed. - Aug. 3rd: *Professional Learning Communities Meeting (all staff) @Chorus Room. Each department will share at least two strategies, means of assessing student growth, and time-frame.

Fri. - Aug. 5th: *Principal will be mtg with contractors to do a final inspection for the Bldgs. "B" (Science) and "K" Gym re-roofing projects.

Here's to a great week and a successful school year!

Daniel S. Hamada
Kapaa High School
4695 Mailihuna Road
Kapaa, Kauai, Hawaii 96746
PH: (808) 821- 4401 ext. 102
FAX: (808) 821- 4420

Kapaa High School cares for and supports "ALL" students to be prepared for college, career, and citizenship in the 21st century.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Updates - Week of May 23rd

Congratulations on a very successful commencement ceremony! Great to see these young men and women graduate and now ready to move on with their future endeavors. The Project Grad was also very successful event as the graduates had lots of terrific activities, food, fun and good company. Kudos to the students, faculty, parents and community who came together to make all of this a memorable occasion as it speaks to that level of commitment.

With the school year winding down, important that we share SY 2010 -11 Hawaii State Assessment results as of this past week.
Percentage of grade 10 students proficient: Mathematics - 34%; Reading - 70%; and Science - 40%
Percentage of grade 10 students tested: Mathematics - 91%; Reading - 88%; and Science - 86%

Data results clearly shows that we missed the benchmarks across the board. With the minimum benchmark targets now at 64% for Math and 80% for Reading, we'll need to "roll-up our sleeves" and strategize. Over the next few weeks prior to the opening of the new school year, will be meeting with various faculty members to review data, instructional practices & expectations, and personnel assignment adjustments.

Asking each department to submit their recommendations to serve as department heads of SY 2011-12 by Thursday, May 26th. View this position responsibility to build leadership capacity within our school's organization. Whether a first year or thirty plus year veteran, want to encourage individuals who are willing to step-up and they are assured of administration's support. Administration's final decision will be based around the following criteria:
deep commitment addressing instructional practices that challenge all students through rigorous standards based teaching;
good communication, human relations and organizational skills;
open-mindedness and humility
tolerance for ambiguity
courage and willingness to take risks
lifelong learner
willingness to work hard with creativity and flexibility

Finally, the expectation remains that standards based bell to bell instruction take place for the rest of this week. Thank you for your professionalism in helping to maintain an academic environment.

Weekly Reminders:

SCC Meeting - Tues. 5/24/11: School Community Council meeting is scheduled for Tuesday - May 24th 5:30 p.m. @Student Center.

Kapaa High Athletic Dept Awards Ceremony: SY 2010-11 Athletic Awards Ceremony recognizing our student athletes will be held on Tuesday - May 24th @7:00 p.m. in the Gym.

Faculty Meeting - Wed. 5/25/11: Faculty mtg will be in the Chorus Room @2:00 p.m. to discuss year end items, summer operations, and opening for SY 2011-12.

Last Day for students - May 26, 2011 (full day)

Last Day for teachers, educational assistants, security, temporary cafeteria workers and health aide (half-day) - Friday, May 27, 2011

Have a great week!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Updates - Week of May 16th

Thank you to our students, faculty and community partners who helped make the "Every 15 Minutes - Shattered Dreams" experience a wonderful learning opportunity. When community organizations come together in sharing such an important message, it really speaks to that level of commitment for our future generations. Supporting students in making positive choices is ongoing and fulfilling work!

With the short amount of instructional days left, important that I remind everyone:
Classroom instruction must continue to be focused from bell to bell. Teachers are asked to maintain this level of focus and continue to hold high expectations for all students;
Please keep reminding seniors that their senior agreements remain in place until graduation. To lose their privilege of graduation ceremonies participation at this point in time would be a shame. Same expectations as well for underclassmen in being focused and responsible.

In my office is a plague with quotes from a former football coach Vince Lombardi and a portion of his quote states:
Life's battles don't always go
to the stronger or faster man;
But sooner or later the man who wins
Is the man who thinks he can.

As the school year comes to a close, the evidence of our efforts will be measured in our students' results. Per our Academic/Financial plans, we have stated that our accountability lies in the following percentage growth areas:
students showing proficiency to the content standards;
students receiving passing verses failing grades;
students promoted;
students meeting our school's stated benchmarks in the Hawaii State Assessment; and
graduation rates.

As with any successful team, we continue to work together as one team with one focused goal....that every student is prepared for college, career and citizenship in this 21st century. Appreciate everyone's efforts!

Weekly Reminders:

PTSA Mtg - Monday 5/16/11: Monthly PTSA meeting will take place in the Student Center @6:30 p.m. Reminder that PTSA is sponsoring a luncheon for all staff on May 27th and lunch counts should be have submitted to Leila.

Department Meetings - Wed. 5/18/11: Department heads should use this time to meet in reviewing needs for next school year. Remember that due to the current budget shortfalls, we need to be pro-active in planning for our instructional needs for next school year. Please be sure to collect and submit purchase orders to Pamela or Leila. Administration will continue to meeting with as many departments possible to address questions.

Finals Week: Reminder of the bell schedule modification for this week. Purpose is to allow for ample time for students to take tier finals as well as to complete unfinished assignments.

Graduation Ceremony - Fri. 5/20/11 @6:30 pm: Looking forward to seeing everyone come out to support and congratulate of graduates. Know that this class has touched almost every staff member is some special way and being there to provide that acknowledgement really brings it full circle.

May 26, 2011 - Last Day for Students

Friday, May 27, 2011 - Last Day for Teachers (Full Day)

Have a great week!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Updates - Week of May 9th

To ensure everyone has updated information about our Smaller Learning Community 9th grade HUIs and Academies progress, sharing links to the SLC Blog and the SLC Resource Wiki. Links provides a good venue to access current progress as well as providing suggestions. Please take time to review at your leisure.

With three weeks of instruction left, some important reminders......
Classroom instruction must continue to be focused from bell to bell. Noticed that some teachers have been allowing students to stand by their classroom doors much too early resulting in loss of precious learning time as well as disrupting other classes.....this is not acceptable;
Encouraging teachers and support staff to minimize the amount of days they are absent as having substitutes cover at this time of the year can be very challenging. Should you need to be out, please remind your substitute on the importance of "bell to bell instruction"; and
Please remind your senior students that they are accountable to the senior agreements until graduation. Would be very disappointing to lose their privilege to participating in the graduation ceremony at this point in time. Same holds true for the underclassmen in remaining focused and responsible for their educational responsibilities.

Over this past weekend, Kapaa High School has begun having "stationary" night security on campus. Security personnel have been assigned to our school from the later evening hours until around 6:00 a.m. As you recall, initial rationale for having security was due to schools having graffiti problems/bomb threats and with graduation around the corner need to be pro-active to ensure for a safe environment. Reminder for anyone working late, coaching, conducting night meetings, etc. to please have your IDs with you.

Key personnel changes for Complex and State level for SY 2011-12:
Kauai Complex Area ELL Resource Teacher - Michael Depoe. Mike replaces Ligaya Ortal who recently retired and he will be working with all of Kauai schools addressing ELL services;
Kauai Complex Area Data Resource Teacher - Allison Carveiro. Allison will take the lead in working with complex area data such as DSI, HSA, etc. She brings a wealth of knowledge to this position as a classroom teacher, former Title I resource teacher, and was recognized as one of Hawaii's outstanding teachers; and
State Level Data for School Improvement (DSI) Administrator - Dan Miyamoto. Dan takes over as the State lead for DSI and he will be working with all complexes ensuring that DSI are utilized as part of the ongoing formative assessment feedback. Mr. Miyamoto was one of the key leaders in helping create Hawaii's DOE Literacy for Learning focus.

Please continue encouraging your students to support both Memorial Day Lei and Food Bank drive. As one of our staff shared, if we can also get our seniors to donate their graduation leis, this gesture goes a long way helping recognize our veterans. In terms of the Food Bank drive, with more schools qualifying as Title I (at least 40% of the student population qualify for free or reduced meals) schools shows that there are more needy families and students. Wouldn't it be great if every student and adult donated just one canned food item.

Finally, let me take this opportunity to share my deepest appreciation to our teachers and support staff as we recognize our educators. No matter your role/responsibility, collectively you play a key role in preparing our students to be college and career ready. Let us continue to support each other in this noble quest as our students deserve nothing less.

Weekly Reminders:

May Day Program - Monday 5/9/11: School will be on the "Assembly Bell Schedule #2 for our May Day program. Assembly will be follow period 6 and begin @1:10 p.m. Reminder to monitor your assigned areas.

SLC Mtg - Monday 5/9/11: Principal will be on Oahu attending the Smaller Learning Consortium meeting. Diane Ayre and Todd Harrison will be in charge.

Complex Area Leadership Mtg - Tues. 5/10/11: Principal and VP Harrison will be attending a combined leadership mtg at the State Bldg. Diane Ayre and Greg Gonsalves will be in charge.

Department Meetings - Wed. 5/11/1: Department heads are reminded to meet with their teachers on Wednesday, May 11 @2:00 to discuss items such as budget requests for SY 2011-12, etc. Administration will be meeting with as many departments possible that day so to address questions.

SLC HUI mtg - Thurs. 5/12/11: 9th grade HUI meeting is scheduled for Thursday, May 12th @2:20 p.m. Administration will also be covering updated room assignments, planned trainings, etc.

Testing Information: Re-sharing the testing calendar and bell schedule modification for finals week. Reminder that listed testing areas have priority for the computer labs during the assessment time-frame.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Updates - Week of May 2nd

Effect May 2, 2011, Lisa Mireles will be taking over for Judy Gardner's 9th grade World History Honor's class. Ms. Gardner will be out for the rest of the fourth quarter and will retire at the end of this school year. Wish Judy the best in her retirement and thank her for the years of service. Kapaa High is very fortunate to a highly qualified educator in Ms. Mireles taking on this challenge as she brings a wealth of teaching experience.

Our accountability addressing students' progress will soon come to fruition as we wind down these last few weeks of the school year. Our targeted goals as stated in the Academic/Financial plan must be met whether it be through the Hawaii State Assessments (HSA) outcomes, graduation rates, promotion/retention rates, failures, report cards, etc. As shared previously, the responsibility for students' growth lies with all of us and not in just one department or program. Please continue your efforts in reviewing your data, articulating within and across programs, and ensuring that sound instruction ensures that benchmarks/standards are covered and differentiated for students' success.

Administration will be meeting department heads on Monday, May 2nd 2:30 p.m. @library as there are several important items that must be addressed in a timely manner. Asking that Literacy coaches also attend.

As we start the final week of the State Employees Food Drive I wanted to touch bases with everyone to support this effort. This year more than other years there's an ever growing need. Friday, May 6th is the state's designated last day of the drive and any small donation of a food product is greatly appreciated! Thanks to Harriet Watanabe and her students for taking the lead for this very noble effort.

Finally, extra-curricular/club advisors are to remind their students that their club is responsible for removing their posters/fliers from the campus building walls in a timely manner. This also means should any banners, posters, bulletins, etc. be damaged prior to the end of the event, must also be removed in a timely manner. Important that we model pride and responsibility in caring for our school.

Weekly Reminders:
Department Head Mtg: Department head and Literacy leads meeting on Monday, May 2 @2:30 p.m. in the library.

Website School Calendar: As discussed, please visit school's website calendar addressing school activities, club meetings, etc. to verify accuracy. Want to ensure that information posted are accurate. http://kapaahs.intand.com/index.php

Testing Information: Re-sharing the testing calendar and bell schedule modification for finals week. Please inform your students of the block periods scheduled for finals week. Information will also be posted on school's website for parents and community.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Updates - Week of April 25th

Let me take this opportunity to commend and congratulate our seniors on their senior project presentations. Feedback overall was very positive as students demonstrated those qualities of what we look for in a high school graduate. Special acknowledgements to grade 12 English teachers Ms. Boiser, Ms. Carvalho, Ms. Farina, Ms. Gowan, Mr. Mireles and Ms. Pahl....for their patience and perseverance in working with the seniors. Thanks also goes out to the many helpers in the organization of materials, snacks and coordination of the panelists. Hope everyone got to read Kara Kitamura's article about the senior projects in this past Friday's Garden Island.

I'm scheduling a special meeting on Monday, April 25th with department heads from Mathematics, Science and English to discuss the Hawaii State Assessment scheduled to be administered over the next few weeks. All computer labs are to be made available for our 10th grade students to do their assessments as this remains as one of our school's accountability priority focus. Current results reflect that there is still much work ahead and we remain confident that per the interventions, final round of testing over the next three weeks will show positive growth. As shared the current data shows that the percentage of students meeting proficiency are below our targeted benchmarks. Math @28% of students met proficiency; Reading @ 67% proficiency; and Science @34% proficiency. While we have a ways to go to meet our benchmark target of 90%, know that the content area teachers have been working diligently with our students.

Finally, want to extend special "kudos" to our clerical staff for their dedicated efforts! Administrative Professional's Week (April 24 - 30, 2011) serves to remind us about how we value their daily good work in multitasking so that our overall operations runs smoothly! Truly a wonderful team and we are so very fortunate!


Department Head Mtg: Department heads from Mathematics, English and Science, VPs, Core Coordinator and Tech Coordinator are to meet with Principal on Monday, April 25th to discuss the HSA and Tera Nova assessment. Teachers from these content areas are also welcome to attend. Meeting will be held in the library promptly @2:30 p.m.

Will also be meeting with each department head individually on Monday to share the SY 2011-12 teaching lines and possible room changes. For now, planning to meet during your prep time.

Principals Meeting: I will be attending a principals' mtg on Tuesday, April 26th @Complex Area Office in Lihue. Both Diane Ayre and Todd Harrison will be in charge.

School Community Council Mtg: The next monthly SCC meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 26th @5:30 p.m. in the Student Center.

Faculty Meeting: There will be faculty meeting on Wednesday, April 27th at the Chorus room at 2:00 p.m.

Vice-Principal & Athletic Director's Mtg: VPs and AD will be attending their monthly administrators' meeting on Thursday, April 28th from 8 - 3:00 p.m. @Complex Area Office.

PTSA Student Recognition: On Friday, April 29th during lunch, ice-cream treats will be given to all students who made a GPA of 3.0 or higher as well as for attendance. Ice-cream will be passed out at the Student Center.

Finals: Sharing the finals schedule for 4th quarter which was shared at the beginning of this year:
May 16th English and electives for seniors;
May 17th Math & electives for 9 - 12;
May 18th Social Studies & Science for 9 - 12; and
May 19th Math and electives for 9 - 11.

All grades verified and due by 3:00 p.m. May 27th (No Exceptions)

Have a great week!

Daniel S. Hamada
Kapaa High School
4695 Mailihuna Road
Kapaa, Kauai, Hawaii 96746
PH: (808) 821- 4401 ext. 102
FAX: (808) 821- 4420

Kapaa High School cares for and supports "ALL" students to be prepared for college, career, and citizenship in the 21st century.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Updates - Week of April 18th, 2011

Best way to get feedback about our work is directly from our customers. In speaking with our students, there's no lack of shyness as they are willing to share their ideas about areas where we can improve as well as our strengths. Their sense of openness and honesty can be quite interesting and rejuvenating. Over the past weeks, students have on their own accord came forward in sharing their thoughts, appreciation and concerns. Overall, a good number are pleased with their educational experiences as they feel that most adults really care in taking that time to work with them. Still, there were a number of students who felt that some adults didn't care. Several spoke of being put down, made examples of in front of their peers and receiving busy book work assignments with little explanation about their assignments. In fact, several students shared that they are not challenged and had no understanding for the purpose of their assignments and how they were being graded. Reason for sharing is to remind everyone that we must continue to be diligent and cognizant in how we work with "every" student no matter how challenging. Students needs encouragement, feedback about their progress, and focused learning activities that's differentiated, consistent and rigorous. They need to know that we care and believe in them. Let me be very clear that I do believe that we have terrific examples of teaching and mentoring across our school! We must work to ensure this consistent practice across all classrooms, support programs and administration.

Kudos to our Kapaa High School Foundation for their Walk/Run fund raiser this past Saturday at the Kapaa Beach Park pathway. Great to see former graduates, community, staff and students support our school's foundation. Special kudos to Mr. Brandon Fujita, Greg Gonsalves, Nancy Borilez, and students who came out early to help support this event. As you are aware the Foundation continues to be very generous in their financial support for our school-wide activities.

Received most of the department's teaching line recommendations and Mr. Barcial and I are close to finalizing for SY 2011-12. Truly appreciate everyone's input as it really helps provide guidance and as shared earlier, my final decision will be based on what strengths each teacher brings. Please also note, that there will be several room changes in supporting our 9th grade HUI and also planning for the 10th grade HUI for SY 2012-13.

Learned of final voting results for the proposed bell schedule while doing Castle High School's accreditation. Results clearly show that half of our staff may not be ready for this change and it validates that there is still much work to do in helping to bring clear understanding as to purpose. Let me be very clear, that we will provide equal educational opportunities for our students and we will do this through a collaborative process. With the recent (April 7th) Board of Education's approved revisions to BOE Policy 4540 that states there will be a minimum of 25 credits for both the College and Career Diploma and for the BOE College and Career Recognition Diploma, their directives are clear. There is still ample time to address this change and per ACT 51, we have that autonomy to determine how we will do this. Will have further discussions beginning the week of April 25th.

Finally, want to wish our seniors the very best in their presentations this week. Per my classroom visits, appreciate the amount of good work that students had to put into this culminating project as well as their teachers who had to provide that focused support. Looking forward to the Class of 2011 presentations as the senior projects were designed to demonstrate the vision of a high school graduate......in possessing the attitudes, knowledge and skills necessary to contribute positively and compete in a global society.


Senior Project Presentations: Reminder we'll be on a Wednesday schedule due to Senior Project presentations this week. Students' release time will be at 1:35 p.m. Please check and remove any old calendars that states April 20th as a "collaboration " day. Revised calendar were shared at the beginning of the school year.

PTSA Meeting: Monthly PTSA meeting will be held on Monday, April 18, 2011 6:30 p.m. at the Student Center

Kapaa High Foundation Meeting: Monthly KHS Foundation meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 20, 2011 6:00 p.m. at the Student Center.

Have a great week!

Daniel S. Hamada
Kapaa High School
4695 Mailihuna Road
Kapaa, Kauai, Hawaii 96746
PH: (808) 821- 4401 ext. 102
FAX: (808) 821- 4420

Kapaa High School cares for and supports "ALL" students to be prepared for college, career, and citizenship in the 21st century.