The Warrior Network is another name for the Kapaa High Parent Community Network Center. This online resource is resource for parents/guardians of Kapaa High. The formative idea which grew out of decades of research is that supporting families supports student achievement.
The Parent Community Network Centers are part of the Family Support branch of the DOE Comprehensive Student Support System (CSSS). Family Support Services implements and maintains programs that support student achievement through the development of school, family and community partnerships. The Parent Community Network Center (PCNC) Program is one of those programs. The evidence about the positive impact of parent involvement on the outcome for children is so compelling, PCNCs and the School Community Councils were created to formalize a structure to support and evangelize the role of parents in their children's education.
Introduced as part of Reinventing Education Act 51, The PCNC's were established, funded and facilitators placed in every school to implement the 6 branches of the BOE Parent Involvement Policy #2403 in support of student achievement- at the school level.
The 6 branches are:
1) Communication: Communication between home and school is regular, two-way and meaningful.
2) Parenting: Promote and support responsible parenting.
3) Student Learning: Encourage, Engage parents as partners in student learning.
4) Volunteering: Parents are welcome in the school and their support and assistance are sought.
5) School Decision Making: Parents are partners in the decisions that affect children and families.
6) Collaboration with the Community: Community resources are make available to strengthen school programs, family practices, and student learning.
That's it in a nutshell. Below are the definitive description, mission statement and goal of the PCNC program as they exist in current published DOE documents.
The Kapaa High Parent Community Network Center
4695 Mailihuna Rd.
Kapaa, Hawaii 96746
The Kapaa Warrior Network (PCNC) facilitator maintains part-time hours during the school year and is available by appointment.
Official DOE Program Description
“The Parent-Community Networking Centers(PCNC) serve to create supportive partnerships among the home, school, and community for the purposes of supporting student success, and building a sense of family and community. Parent-Community Networking Centers are located in every Hawaii public school and are staffed by a Facilitator. It is a school-based gathering place for parents, teachers, volunteers, and the community to foster learning, sharing and partnerships that are responsive to the schools’ expressed needs and concerns. School Parent-Community Networking Centers provide a place for individuals to gather together to collaborate, make decisions, and create partnerships to enhance the educational performance and well-being of children. Parent-Community Networking Centers are focal points for networking students and their families with the resources and services of the school and community.”
The Parent-Community Network facilitator works, with partners, to implement parent involvement that is comprehensive and coordinated in nature. These efforts fall under the CSSS and include, but not be limited to, the six types of invovlement as described in the Board of Education Parent/Family Involvement Policy.
The PCNC Mission
The PCNC Mission
The mission of the Parent Community Network is to develop a sense of community and a caring, learning network to strengthen family, neighborhood, school, and classroom for every student’s well-being and attainment of standards.