Kapaa High School | 4695 Mailihuna Rd. Kapaa, HI 96746 | Main Office Hours: 7am - 4pm M-F, Year Round | 808.821.4400
Nancy Borilez
, Kapaa High Parent Community Network Facilitator | Room I-102 (Main Office Bldg) | Direct 808.821.4401 x106 | nancy_borilez@notes.k12.hi.us

Monday, May 23, 2011

Updates - Week of May 23rd

Congratulations on a very successful commencement ceremony! Great to see these young men and women graduate and now ready to move on with their future endeavors. The Project Grad was also very successful event as the graduates had lots of terrific activities, food, fun and good company. Kudos to the students, faculty, parents and community who came together to make all of this a memorable occasion as it speaks to that level of commitment.

With the school year winding down, important that we share SY 2010 -11 Hawaii State Assessment results as of this past week.
Percentage of grade 10 students proficient: Mathematics - 34%; Reading - 70%; and Science - 40%
Percentage of grade 10 students tested: Mathematics - 91%; Reading - 88%; and Science - 86%

Data results clearly shows that we missed the benchmarks across the board. With the minimum benchmark targets now at 64% for Math and 80% for Reading, we'll need to "roll-up our sleeves" and strategize. Over the next few weeks prior to the opening of the new school year, will be meeting with various faculty members to review data, instructional practices & expectations, and personnel assignment adjustments.

Asking each department to submit their recommendations to serve as department heads of SY 2011-12 by Thursday, May 26th. View this position responsibility to build leadership capacity within our school's organization. Whether a first year or thirty plus year veteran, want to encourage individuals who are willing to step-up and they are assured of administration's support. Administration's final decision will be based around the following criteria:
deep commitment addressing instructional practices that challenge all students through rigorous standards based teaching;
good communication, human relations and organizational skills;
open-mindedness and humility
tolerance for ambiguity
courage and willingness to take risks
lifelong learner
willingness to work hard with creativity and flexibility

Finally, the expectation remains that standards based bell to bell instruction take place for the rest of this week. Thank you for your professionalism in helping to maintain an academic environment.

Weekly Reminders:

SCC Meeting - Tues. 5/24/11: School Community Council meeting is scheduled for Tuesday - May 24th 5:30 p.m. @Student Center.

Kapaa High Athletic Dept Awards Ceremony: SY 2010-11 Athletic Awards Ceremony recognizing our student athletes will be held on Tuesday - May 24th @7:00 p.m. in the Gym.

Faculty Meeting - Wed. 5/25/11: Faculty mtg will be in the Chorus Room @2:00 p.m. to discuss year end items, summer operations, and opening for SY 2011-12.

Last Day for students - May 26, 2011 (full day)

Last Day for teachers, educational assistants, security, temporary cafeteria workers and health aide (half-day) - Friday, May 27, 2011

Have a great week!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Updates - Week of May 16th

Thank you to our students, faculty and community partners who helped make the "Every 15 Minutes - Shattered Dreams" experience a wonderful learning opportunity. When community organizations come together in sharing such an important message, it really speaks to that level of commitment for our future generations. Supporting students in making positive choices is ongoing and fulfilling work!

With the short amount of instructional days left, important that I remind everyone:
Classroom instruction must continue to be focused from bell to bell. Teachers are asked to maintain this level of focus and continue to hold high expectations for all students;
Please keep reminding seniors that their senior agreements remain in place until graduation. To lose their privilege of graduation ceremonies participation at this point in time would be a shame. Same expectations as well for underclassmen in being focused and responsible.

In my office is a plague with quotes from a former football coach Vince Lombardi and a portion of his quote states:
Life's battles don't always go
to the stronger or faster man;
But sooner or later the man who wins
Is the man who thinks he can.

As the school year comes to a close, the evidence of our efforts will be measured in our students' results. Per our Academic/Financial plans, we have stated that our accountability lies in the following percentage growth areas:
students showing proficiency to the content standards;
students receiving passing verses failing grades;
students promoted;
students meeting our school's stated benchmarks in the Hawaii State Assessment; and
graduation rates.

As with any successful team, we continue to work together as one team with one focused goal....that every student is prepared for college, career and citizenship in this 21st century. Appreciate everyone's efforts!

Weekly Reminders:

PTSA Mtg - Monday 5/16/11: Monthly PTSA meeting will take place in the Student Center @6:30 p.m. Reminder that PTSA is sponsoring a luncheon for all staff on May 27th and lunch counts should be have submitted to Leila.

Department Meetings - Wed. 5/18/11: Department heads should use this time to meet in reviewing needs for next school year. Remember that due to the current budget shortfalls, we need to be pro-active in planning for our instructional needs for next school year. Please be sure to collect and submit purchase orders to Pamela or Leila. Administration will continue to meeting with as many departments possible to address questions.

Finals Week: Reminder of the bell schedule modification for this week. Purpose is to allow for ample time for students to take tier finals as well as to complete unfinished assignments.

Graduation Ceremony - Fri. 5/20/11 @6:30 pm: Looking forward to seeing everyone come out to support and congratulate of graduates. Know that this class has touched almost every staff member is some special way and being there to provide that acknowledgement really brings it full circle.

May 26, 2011 - Last Day for Students

Friday, May 27, 2011 - Last Day for Teachers (Full Day)

Have a great week!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Updates - Week of May 9th

To ensure everyone has updated information about our Smaller Learning Community 9th grade HUIs and Academies progress, sharing links to the SLC Blog and the SLC Resource Wiki. Links provides a good venue to access current progress as well as providing suggestions. Please take time to review at your leisure.

With three weeks of instruction left, some important reminders......
Classroom instruction must continue to be focused from bell to bell. Noticed that some teachers have been allowing students to stand by their classroom doors much too early resulting in loss of precious learning time as well as disrupting other classes.....this is not acceptable;
Encouraging teachers and support staff to minimize the amount of days they are absent as having substitutes cover at this time of the year can be very challenging. Should you need to be out, please remind your substitute on the importance of "bell to bell instruction"; and
Please remind your senior students that they are accountable to the senior agreements until graduation. Would be very disappointing to lose their privilege to participating in the graduation ceremony at this point in time. Same holds true for the underclassmen in remaining focused and responsible for their educational responsibilities.

Over this past weekend, Kapaa High School has begun having "stationary" night security on campus. Security personnel have been assigned to our school from the later evening hours until around 6:00 a.m. As you recall, initial rationale for having security was due to schools having graffiti problems/bomb threats and with graduation around the corner need to be pro-active to ensure for a safe environment. Reminder for anyone working late, coaching, conducting night meetings, etc. to please have your IDs with you.

Key personnel changes for Complex and State level for SY 2011-12:
Kauai Complex Area ELL Resource Teacher - Michael Depoe. Mike replaces Ligaya Ortal who recently retired and he will be working with all of Kauai schools addressing ELL services;
Kauai Complex Area Data Resource Teacher - Allison Carveiro. Allison will take the lead in working with complex area data such as DSI, HSA, etc. She brings a wealth of knowledge to this position as a classroom teacher, former Title I resource teacher, and was recognized as one of Hawaii's outstanding teachers; and
State Level Data for School Improvement (DSI) Administrator - Dan Miyamoto. Dan takes over as the State lead for DSI and he will be working with all complexes ensuring that DSI are utilized as part of the ongoing formative assessment feedback. Mr. Miyamoto was one of the key leaders in helping create Hawaii's DOE Literacy for Learning focus.

Please continue encouraging your students to support both Memorial Day Lei and Food Bank drive. As one of our staff shared, if we can also get our seniors to donate their graduation leis, this gesture goes a long way helping recognize our veterans. In terms of the Food Bank drive, with more schools qualifying as Title I (at least 40% of the student population qualify for free or reduced meals) schools shows that there are more needy families and students. Wouldn't it be great if every student and adult donated just one canned food item.

Finally, let me take this opportunity to share my deepest appreciation to our teachers and support staff as we recognize our educators. No matter your role/responsibility, collectively you play a key role in preparing our students to be college and career ready. Let us continue to support each other in this noble quest as our students deserve nothing less.

Weekly Reminders:

May Day Program - Monday 5/9/11: School will be on the "Assembly Bell Schedule #2 for our May Day program. Assembly will be follow period 6 and begin @1:10 p.m. Reminder to monitor your assigned areas.

SLC Mtg - Monday 5/9/11: Principal will be on Oahu attending the Smaller Learning Consortium meeting. Diane Ayre and Todd Harrison will be in charge.

Complex Area Leadership Mtg - Tues. 5/10/11: Principal and VP Harrison will be attending a combined leadership mtg at the State Bldg. Diane Ayre and Greg Gonsalves will be in charge.

Department Meetings - Wed. 5/11/1: Department heads are reminded to meet with their teachers on Wednesday, May 11 @2:00 to discuss items such as budget requests for SY 2011-12, etc. Administration will be meeting with as many departments possible that day so to address questions.

SLC HUI mtg - Thurs. 5/12/11: 9th grade HUI meeting is scheduled for Thursday, May 12th @2:20 p.m. Administration will also be covering updated room assignments, planned trainings, etc.

Testing Information: Re-sharing the testing calendar and bell schedule modification for finals week. Reminder that listed testing areas have priority for the computer labs during the assessment time-frame.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Updates - Week of May 2nd

Effect May 2, 2011, Lisa Mireles will be taking over for Judy Gardner's 9th grade World History Honor's class. Ms. Gardner will be out for the rest of the fourth quarter and will retire at the end of this school year. Wish Judy the best in her retirement and thank her for the years of service. Kapaa High is very fortunate to a highly qualified educator in Ms. Mireles taking on this challenge as she brings a wealth of teaching experience.

Our accountability addressing students' progress will soon come to fruition as we wind down these last few weeks of the school year. Our targeted goals as stated in the Academic/Financial plan must be met whether it be through the Hawaii State Assessments (HSA) outcomes, graduation rates, promotion/retention rates, failures, report cards, etc. As shared previously, the responsibility for students' growth lies with all of us and not in just one department or program. Please continue your efforts in reviewing your data, articulating within and across programs, and ensuring that sound instruction ensures that benchmarks/standards are covered and differentiated for students' success.

Administration will be meeting department heads on Monday, May 2nd 2:30 p.m. @library as there are several important items that must be addressed in a timely manner. Asking that Literacy coaches also attend.

As we start the final week of the State Employees Food Drive I wanted to touch bases with everyone to support this effort. This year more than other years there's an ever growing need. Friday, May 6th is the state's designated last day of the drive and any small donation of a food product is greatly appreciated! Thanks to Harriet Watanabe and her students for taking the lead for this very noble effort.

Finally, extra-curricular/club advisors are to remind their students that their club is responsible for removing their posters/fliers from the campus building walls in a timely manner. This also means should any banners, posters, bulletins, etc. be damaged prior to the end of the event, must also be removed in a timely manner. Important that we model pride and responsibility in caring for our school.

Weekly Reminders:
Department Head Mtg: Department head and Literacy leads meeting on Monday, May 2 @2:30 p.m. in the library.

Website School Calendar: As discussed, please visit school's website calendar addressing school activities, club meetings, etc. to verify accuracy. Want to ensure that information posted are accurate. http://kapaahs.intand.com/index.php

Testing Information: Re-sharing the testing calendar and bell schedule modification for finals week. Please inform your students of the block periods scheduled for finals week. Information will also be posted on school's website for parents and community.