Kapaa High School | 4695 Mailihuna Rd. Kapaa, HI 96746 | Main Office Hours: 7am - 4pm M-F, Year Round | 808.821.4400
Nancy Borilez
, Kapaa High Parent Community Network Facilitator | Room I-102 (Main Office Bldg) | Direct 808.821.4401 x106 | nancy_borilez@notes.k12.hi.us

Monday, October 17, 2011

Updates - Week of October 17th

Happy Spirit Week - Go WARRIORS!

Reminder to continue to incorporate writing within your curriculum. As part of our Professional Learning sessions, we will be reviewing examples of students' writing products across all content areas throughout the school year.

Attached is October's PLC calendar sent from Beth Pemberton earlier. Please note that Wednesday's, Oct. 19th session will have teachers sharing about the Interactive Notebook.

Reminder that the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) will be returning during the second semester for our mid-term assessment. As shared earlier, key areas that the visiting team will be reviewing are standards based instruction, use of data to ensure to monitor instruction, assessment process, types of professional development based on data, communication with parents addressing student learning, and progress per the revised bell schedule.

Finally, wanted to speak to our good work in terms of the HUIs and Academies. As we move forward in planning how we can better structure our school over the next 3 - 4 years, one of the primary reasons for this effort is to build that sense of relevance, rigor and personalization for all students. T eachers will eventually be dedicated to an academy where over the course from 9 - 12th grades, there will be that clear alignment. In terms of our Smaller Learning Community (SLC) program, we will continue to work hard to build that aligned focus for common planning, common students and with common teams of teachers. On a good forward basis over the next few years, we will honor those talents, skills and expertise of our staff as we are blessed with a very talented staff. Our transition will have that flexibility and consideration of certification, expertise and what else is needed to build capacity for the future. Please be assured that we have a good core of representatives within the Academies work group and there will always be open and timely communication so that everyone is aware.

Weekly Calendar:
Monday - SLC consortium schools mtg -Oahu

Wednesday - PLC session on Interactive Notebook @Chorus and Band Rooms @1:45 p.m.

Have great week!

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