Kapaa High School | 4695 Mailihuna Rd. Kapaa, HI 96746 | Main Office Hours: 7am - 4pm M-F, Year Round | 808.821.4400
Nancy Borilez
, Kapaa High Parent Community Network Facilitator | Room I-102 (Main Office Bldg) | Direct 808.821.4401 x106 | nancy_borilez@notes.k12.hi.us


Getting and Staying Informed...
Daily Announcements and The Kapaa HS Home Page: Basic information, selected reminders, links to deeper pages and more can be found on the KHS Website.

Online School Calendar
The information here is supplemental. It shows key dates, important academic milestones like exam dates, parent events, student clubs and athletics, college & career planning, scholarship and financial aid information. Go to the online school calendar.

Principal's Forum Newsletter
A hard copy is sent home with every student when it comes out.

The Tradewind
The student written newspaper in print since 1944 is, sadly, out of print.

Home-bound Hand-outs: Many only make it to the back pack. Ask your teen for handouts daily!

School Marquee: On Kawaihau Rd. Put in on your radar.

Contacting Faculty, Counselors, Administration and Staff
All the contact information all in one place. Includes classroom location, and when teachers have their prep period (in actual clock time). Each teacher has at least one prep period every day. Faculty can be contacted and are available for conferences by appointment during their prep. Please try to refrain from calling faculty during class time to avoid interrupting instructional time.

Engrade and Edu20
SOME teachers use Engrade or edu20 to post information about assignments and/or grades. Passwords are required for both. Contact individual teachers for codes/passwords.
Login to Engrade
Login to Kapaa High edu20 portal

For assistance accessing Kapaa edu20.org,
please contact our edu20.org web site master: Catherine Paleka.

The Principal and Vice-Principal's have an open door policy. They are in high gear pretty much all the time. Walk-in or by appointment, 821-4400.

School Mailboxes
If you want to deliver something to someone on campus, you can put it in their mailbox at the Front Office. Office hours are 7am-4:30 pm M-F, year round. 821-4400.