As this week marks the beginning for the Hawaii State Assessment (HSA), thank you for taking time to prepare and review "key" standards. Confident that as students were taught and are provided learning opportunities for relevance, we will see marked improvement for those target groups within our overall Mathematics, English, & Science content areas. Our targeted goal of 95% of students being able to demonstrate proficiency to the standards can be realized.
Over the next coming months, we will begin revisiting our targeted goals to do an assessment as to our progress and how it will impact our Academic/Financial plans for SY 2012-13 look like. While this may seem that we are planning very early, the improvement process is an ongoing journey that really never rests. Attached overview provides those key areas we are currently addressing and as a community of professionals, we must be re-visiting our data in making solid decisions addressing our students' achievement targets. Data also provides sound feedback in addressing where we are, do we want to stay the course, what changes do we need, etc. Departments should be discussing about what new courses they'd like to offer, re-vamping course descriptions to reflect rigor, especially within our AP and CTE areas. As a professional learning organization, we must not be afraid in making errors but instead be brave in taking steps in always looking for solid proven practices, trends, solutions and other characteristics that positively impacts students' learning.
PCNC Connection: News, information, resources for parents and guardians of Kapaa High. Welcome. Parent Involvement Fueled by Information. Information becomes knowledge becomes wisdom. Share it!
KHS Warrior Net Home
Kapaa High School | 4695 Mailihuna Rd. Kapaa, HI 96746 | Main Office Hours: 7am - 4pm M-F, Year Round | 808.821.4400
Nancy Borilez, Kapaa High Parent Community Network Facilitator | Room I-102 (Main Office Bldg) | Direct 808.821.4401 x106 |
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