Required Documents
Forms we need from you yearly. These documents are extremely important for the proper running of the school. They all require parent/guardian signature.
- Federal Lunch Application. (White with blue text).
- Emergency Card (White).
- Home-School Compact.
- Video and Image Release Form.
Student Drop-Off/Pick-Up
Classes start at 7:45am. Please make sure your teen arrives no later than the 7:40am warning bell. Regardless of how your students gets to school, it is the parent’s responsibility to ensure their teen get to school in time for the start of classes- every day.
Upper Parking Lot (aka “Gym Parking Lot”): Drop-off and pick-up, No drive thru. (unpaved)
Main Parking Lot: Drive-thru drop-off and pick-up.
"Senior Parking Lot" (Makai)*: Drive-thru drop-off and pick-up, handicap parking. No Student or Visitor Parking.
*AM Drop-off: Be alert, please do not block staff and delivery vehicles heading to areas deeper in on campus. Teams depart from and return to this parking lot for any games where bus transportation is provided.
Places to Know- to get things done
Front Office: Student ID’s, Bus Info & Passes, deposits to meal account, signing your teen OUT of school, visitor & volunteer sign-in, student parking permits, driver’s ed sign-up.
Registrar’s Office/Attendance Desk: Readmits (Students should bring a signed dated note from a their parent/guardian to excuse tardies or absences-parents do not need accompany their child to the attendance desk), School Uniform Shirt Purchases (Hours & Current Order Form). Admissions/enrollment.
Accounting Office: Pay Class and Student Govt. Dues, Overdue, Lost or Damaged Book Charges, Buy KIF Athletic Events Booklet
Library: Many parent events that occur take place here like Orientation & Back to School nights, College & Career Planning Nights, and SCC Community Meetings.
Health Room/Health Aide: First Aid, Infirmary, Immunization Records, Health Information.
You are welcome on campus. All visitors must sign-in at the Front Office in building I.The front office is open 5 days a week year round. The administration has an open door policy.
An appointment is needed to meet with your teen's counselors and kindly requested for meeting with faculty.
- Handicap parking available in all three lots: Main, Senior Lot and Gym Lot.
- Visitor Parking is available in the Gym Parking Lot. Area in front of Gym Entrance is a Fire Lane- Do Not Block.
- There is a Visitor Parking Space and multiple Handicapped Visitor parking spaces in the Main Parking Lot.
- Please Note: The paved Student Center Lot is restricted access: It is a bus loading zone serving hundreds of students at least twice a day- more on field trip days. To ensure bus access and safety, it’s limited access and a no parking zone during school hours. Open parking for evening events like PTSA, Alumni Foundation, or parent meetings, and weekend althletic, school or community events.