Kapaa High School | 4695 Mailihuna Rd. Kapaa, HI 96746 | Main Office Hours: 7am - 4pm M-F, Year Round | 808.821.4400
Nancy Borilez
, Kapaa High Parent Community Network Facilitator | Room I-102 (Main Office Bldg) | Direct 808.821.4401 x106 | nancy_borilez@notes.k12.hi.us

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Updates - Week of August 8th

In reflecting the first week of school, majority of students were focused, overall instruction looked consistent bell to bell, and in fact saw a good number of students revel in their classroom activities modeling team camaraderie. As shared, our benchmark target of 95% reflect our expectations for our students as we close that achievement gap.

Over the years, research has been consistent as to common trends in schools with the greatest gains. Fundamentally there are five consistent practices no matter the school's grade level and/or income demographics.....they are holistic accountability; nonfiction writing in every subject; frequent use of common assessments; immediate & decisive interventions; and the constructive use of data. Many of you already know this and the key is whether we implement this consistently in our daily practices.

As we are currently addressing writing in the Wednesday's PLC sessions, evidence is clear that when students engage in more nonfiction writing that includes editing, collaborative scoring, constructive teacher feedback, and re-writing....student achievement improves. Perhaps author Steven King said it best...."that writing is thinking through the end of a pen". Successful schools do not use writing as a diversion from math, science, music, or sports. Rather they have that conviction that if these disciplines are worthy of thinking, then they are worthy of writing.

Realize that some educators may have an aversion to nonfiction writing and their preference for fiction writing is based on the idea that nonfiction is boring and fiction is entertaining. Yet.... tell that to an elementary student watching a butterfly emerge from a cocoon; that middle school student who feels pride & excitement about an art project; and that high school student who is very passionate about global economics. Students want to engage in rich, descriptive, persuasive and analytical writing....that in itself makes nonfiction writing fun, exciting and real.

Special kudos to Brandon Fujita and his students for planting the recently donated pine tress along the northern end of our campus fence line. As you may be aware, about 25 trees were donated by Grove Farm Kauai in helping to beautify as well as stop the erosion of our campus in certain areas. Awesome when students model that civic responsibility in helping to better our school.

Friday, August 12th is the "official student enrollment count date where schools may be gaining or losing resources. Our Academic/Financial plan already reflects a solid focused plan and we'll be fine. Will have a more comprehensive agenda discussion with the Dept Chairs this Thursday and should you have items that need to be covered, please check with your dept chair.

Finally, please submit your "course syllabus" electronically to the principal by Monday, August 8th; and your "Employee Information for Emergency Purposes" sheet to Leila Kaneholani as soon as possible.

Wed, Aug. 10th: Professional Learning Communities Meeting (all staff) 1:45 p.m. @Chorus Room. Continuing discussions on the Writing anchor standards;

Thurs, Aug. 11th: Department Chair meeting 2:30 p.m. @Library

Fri. - Aug. 12th: Official Student Enrollment count date; and
Welcome Back Assembly 1:10 - 2:20 p.m. @Gym

Thanks and have a great week!

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