Contributions from parents and the community come in many forms. Kapaa High has a wealth of Parent/Guardian & Community support in many areas, especially KIF athletics. We are grateful for your your gift of time or talent, goods or services. Mahalo to the steady stream of volunteers. Join us!
Two initiatives here at Kapaa High: Volunteer or donate.
1) Volunteer Opportunities:
Inspired by two firm beliefs:First, we have a wealth of talented, knowledgeable and dedicated people in our community and second, that many parents and guardians want to help and get involved but just don't know how. We try to provide as many details as possible so you can pick something that suits your time, talent and interest.
- e-Waste and laser printer cartridge recycling.
- B-building Science classroom ceiling fans.
2) The Warrior Wish List:
Goods or services that we could use. Submitted by teachers, administrators, staff and students who dare to dream and ask*:
- Robotics Wish List, Jim Cox, Science Department, Robotics club.
- B-building Science classrooms (4) ceiling fans.
To inquire about volunteering, making a donation, or finding out what goods or services Kapaa High School is in need of, please contact the Kapaa High PCNC. Please find contact information for the Kapaa High PCNC at the top of this blog's main page.
A Note About KIF After school sports and Warrior Athletics
After school sports are a cornerstone of health oriented extra-curricular activity for high school students. According to the Kauai Interscholastic Federation, over 50% of High School students on the Island of Kauai participate in KIF sports.
Team sports are also popular with parents. In fact, helping out with sports is the most popular way that parents and guardians get involved- and these efforts make a difference. Warrior Parents contribute tens of thousands of dollars in sponsorships, donations and services in support of our student-athletes and teams every year- Mahalo!*
We encourage you to support Warrior Athletics by enrolling in the PTSA’s eScrip fundraising, volunteer as a team parent, and come enjoy your teen's participation in games, meets and tournaments.
* Note: All proceeds from Team Fundraising are received by the Warrior Athletics Association or related booster clubs within Warrior Athletics. Warrior Athletics is a 501c(3) non-profit. All donations are tax-deductible.