Effect May 2, 2011, Lisa Mireles will be taking over for Judy Gardner's 9th grade World History Honor's class. Ms. Gardner will be out for the rest of the fourth quarter and will retire at the end of this school year. Wish Judy the best in her retirement and thank her for the years of service. Kapaa High is very fortunate to a highly qualified educator in Ms. Mireles taking on this challenge as she brings a wealth of teaching experience.
Our accountability addressing students' progress will soon come to fruition as we wind down these last few weeks of the school year. Our targeted goals as stated in the Academic/Financial plan must be met whether it be through the Hawaii State Assessments (HSA) outcomes, graduation rates, promotion/retention rates, failures, report cards, etc. As shared previously, the responsibility for students' growth lies with all of us and not in just one department or program. Please continue your efforts in reviewing your data, articulating within and across programs, and ensuring that sound instruction ensures that benchmarks/standards are covered and differentiated for students' success.
Administration will be meeting department heads on Monday, May 2nd 2:30 p.m. @library as there are several important items that must be addressed in a timely manner. Asking that Literacy coaches also attend.
As we start the final week of the State Employees Food Drive I wanted to touch bases with everyone to support this effort. This year more than other years there's an ever growing need. Friday, May 6th is the state's designated last day of the drive and any small donation of a food product is greatly appreciated! Thanks to Harriet Watanabe and her students for taking the lead for this very noble effort.
Finally, extra-curricular/club advisors are to remind their students that their club is responsible for removing their posters/fliers from the campus building walls in a timely manner. This also means should any banners, posters, bulletins, etc. be damaged prior to the end of the event, must also be removed in a timely manner. Important that we model pride and responsibility in caring for our school.
Weekly Reminders:
Department Head Mtg: Department head and Literacy leads meeting on Monday, May 2 @2:30 p.m. in the library.
Website School Calendar: As discussed, please visit school's website calendar addressing school activities, club meetings, etc. to verify accuracy. Want to ensure that information posted are accurate. http://kapaahs.intand.com/index.php
Testing Information: Re-sharing the testing calendar and bell schedule modification for finals week. Please inform your students of the block periods scheduled for finals week. Information will also be posted on school's website for parents and community.
PCNC Connection: News, information, resources for parents and guardians of Kapaa High. Welcome. Parent Involvement Fueled by Information. Information becomes knowledge becomes wisdom. Share it!
KHS Warrior Net Home
Kapaa High School | 4695 Mailihuna Rd. Kapaa, HI 96746 | Main Office Hours: 7am - 4pm M-F, Year Round | 808.821.4400
Nancy Borilez, Kapaa High Parent Community Network Facilitator | Room I-102 (Main Office Bldg) | Direct 808.821.4401 x106 | nancy_borilez@notes.k12.hi.us
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