Kapaa High School | 4695 Mailihuna Rd. Kapaa, HI 96746 | Main Office Hours: 7am - 4pm M-F, Year Round | 808.821.4400
Nancy Borilez
, Kapaa High Parent Community Network Facilitator | Room I-102 (Main Office Bldg) | Direct 808.821.4401 x106 | nancy_borilez@notes.k12.hi.us

Monday, December 5, 2011

Updates - Week of December 5th

Our school's SLC site provides a wealth of information addressing the Smaller Learning Community progress. Posted information shares latest versions of frameworks, descriptions, Hui and Academy meeting agendas & minutes, training handouts, etc.


Attached also is the updated academy selection and registration calendar.

Consistent monitoring of students' progress per your curriculum maps remains a critical must do. Administration will be asking all teachers to provide information as to their students' status in January after grades are submitted so to have that comprehensive picture. We are planning to provide extended learning support sessions during the winter break targeting students needing extra help. Asked Doris Morioka to coordinate.

Don't forget to support our school's blood drive this Wednesday in the library. Kudos to Kara Kitamura and her students in making this outstanding community service a reality in benefiting our community.

Weekly Calendar:

Monday, Dec. 5th: Unit 5 HSTA members voting for proposed calendar @2:30 p.m. Library
Tuesday, Dec. 6th: Apple PLC sessions (all day)
Wednesday, Dec. 7th: Blood Drive (all day) @Library
Faculty meeting @1:45 p.m. Chorus room
Thursday, Dec. 8th: Principal @Complex Area peer review of SY 2012-13 Academic Plan 8:00 a.m.
Common Planning for HUI, Academy, Inclusion, IEPs, & Bell Schedule 2:30 p.m.

Have a great week!