Kapaa High School | 4695 Mailihuna Rd. Kapaa, HI 96746 | Main Office Hours: 7am - 4pm M-F, Year Round | 808.821.4400
Nancy Borilez
, Kapaa High Parent Community Network Facilitator | Room I-102 (Main Office Bldg) | Direct 808.821.4401 x106 | nancy_borilez@notes.k12.hi.us

Sunday, November 6, 2011

UPDATES Sunday, November 06

Folks....in communicating with Mr. Hamada, here's this week's updates:

Congratulations to Michelle Rundbaken and her students Ilona Oliver and Raquelle Matayoshi for placing 1st place in the statewide Farmers Insurance Hawaii, Hot Shots Video Competition on Oahu. Their video "Dear Ilona" gave a very inspirational message about losing a friend to drunk driving. Job well done and thank you for making Kapaa High School and our community very proud.

Want to also acknowledge Kelly Bailey and the math department for their good work as the grade 10 students just finished the first round of the Hawaii State Assessment (HSA). Overall there was solid communication and coordination which helped get that high percentage of student participation. Also pleased to see that collectively, they are on top of things in terms of knowing their students' proficiency status and able to support those targeted students. Both Science and English will be administering the HSA shortly and know that their coordination and team work will be there as well.

While we are acknowledging good work, special thanks to Mr. Shane Tanioka and members of New Hope as they have been working very hard through the weekend painting the rest of "A" building. Very inspirational to see adults and students generously give their time, labor and commitment in helping to better our school.

With the mid-point of the second quarter around the corner, critical that we take an accounting of students' progress per your curriculum maps. Our targeted goal of 95% of students being able to demonstrate proficiency to the standards can be and must be realized. As a professional learning organization, your continued review and use of data remains fundamental in guiding instruction. Time has been afforded be it through your department, cross curriculum, and common planning meetings and we remain committed to providing additional department and/or cross content PLC days as we challenge ourselves to positively impact student growth. Attached is our current SY 2011-12 Academic/Financial plans that reflect our school's focus. Please take time to review especially goal 1 where we already know which groups of students are struggling and what we are promising to do for them. Overall, we are moving in the right direction and know we must remain vigilant.

Our SLC Academy work team continues to make good progress. As you are aware, starting with next year's 10th graders, our school will be organized into two Academies.....HOPES and IDEAS. While the content focus may be different, both academies' themes will have similar outcomes in terms of academic rigor, internships, service, sustainability and senior projects. Academy teachers will develop units of study aligned with the academy's goals/themes to improve student engagement, build deeper critical thinking skills and develop stronger academic performance skills. Bottom line...academies will be built on common students, common teachers, common planning and common themes. Please take time to get an update from your content area peers who are serving on this work group as in about a month, we'll be working with interested teachers in terms of staffing for SY 2012-13.

Finally, best wishes to our varsity football team and their coaches as they play for the KIF Championship on Monday, Nov. 7th @Vidinha Stadium. It's been an exciting season and here's to a great game!

Weekly Calendar:
Monday: Nov. 7th: Department & Cross Curr Mtgs 2:30 p.m.

Wednesday: Nov. 9th: Michelle Swanson w/Academy Work Team 8:00 a.m. I102

Thursday, Nov. 10th: Ms. Swanson w/HUIs 8:00 a.m. I102
Common Planning - all departments 2:30 p.m.

Have great week!

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