Kapaa High School | 4695 Mailihuna Rd. Kapaa, HI 96746 | Main Office Hours: 7am - 4pm M-F, Year Round | 808.821.4400
Nancy Borilez
, Kapaa High Parent Community Network Facilitator | Room I-102 (Main Office Bldg) | Direct 808.821.4401 x106 | nancy_borilez@notes.k12.hi.us

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Weekly Updates for 10/31/11

As this week marks the beginning for the Hawaii State Assessment (HSA), thank you for taking time to prepare and review "key" standards. Confident that as students were taught and are provided learning opportunities for relevance, we will see marked improvement for those target groups within our overall Mathematics, English, & Science content areas. Our targeted goal of 95% of students being able to demonstrate proficiency to the standards can be realized.

Over the next coming months, we will begin revisiting our targeted goals to do an assessment as to our progress and how it will impact our Academic/Financial plans for SY 2012-13 look like. While this may seem that we are planning very early, the improvement process is an ongoing journey that really never rests. Attached overview provides those key areas we are currently addressing and as a community of professionals, we must be re-visiting our data in making solid decisions addressing our students' achievement targets. Data also provides sound feedback in addressing where we are, do we want to stay the course, what changes do we need, etc. Departments should be discussing about what new courses they'd like to offer, re-vamping course descriptions to reflect rigor, especially within our AP and CTE areas. As a professional learning organization, we must not be afraid in making errors but instead be brave in taking steps in always looking for solid proven practices, trends, solutions and other characteristics that positively impacts students' learning.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Updates - Week of October 24th

In preparing for the upcoming Hawaii State Assessment (HSA) in November, reminder that targeted content (Mathematics, English, & Science) areas need to be consistently reviewing students' progress to those key standards. Mathematics may be challenging as much of the assessment addresses Algebra standards while the majority of grade 10 students are in geometry. With ongoing reviews being carried out, confident that students will demonstrate positive growth. Anchor standards addressing reading and writing should continue to be a school-wide collaborative effort across all content areas in preparing students for college and careers. Remember reading..."teach students to read like a detective and to write like an investigative reporter." Our targeted goal of 95% of students being able to demonstrate proficiency to the standards can be realized.

As we continue to improve ourselves as an organization, our current KIP continues to evolve to a data team process where we as a faculty of professionals must get into that practice at always looking at data....formative and/or summative. Only through the use of data as a learning community, can we become more "akamai" in making solid decisions addressing practices within our classrooms, support programs, interventions, etc. We must not be afraid in making errors but instead be bold in taking steps in always looking for solid proven practices, trends, solutions and other characteristics that provide us guidance. One example of change is moving away from putting students into special alternative classes but instead making learning more relevant/meaningful through stronger pedagogy, focused programs, and providing timely learning opportunity supports such focused tutorials, alignment of programs per the academies. etc.

Over the next 4 - 5 years, our SLC focus will develop as that foundation where all teachers are dedicated to an academy where courses per 9 - 12th grades are aligned with common planning, common students and common teams of teachers working together. We have the right ingredients for success here at Kapaa where our talents, skills and expertise are second to none.

Finally, as we move into building our technology capacity in this 21st century, pleased to share that Kapaa High and Elementary will be partnering in receiving upgrades to our telecommunications system. This pivotal infrastructure upgrade is critical for the ever expanding technology demands and glad that Mike Maddock will serve as one of the lead key personnel in working with the contractor. We will also work with the contractor to minimize classroom interruptions and similar to the electrical upgrades that was accomplished this past year. Bottom line, over the months ahead, our school will continue progressing in terms of technology capacity along with the additional electrical/telecommunication demands to support this effort.

Weekly Calendar:
Tuesday, Oct. 25th: Principal @Kauai Complex Area Leadership meeting

Wednesday, Oct. 26th: PLC session - WASC Mid-term report discussions per accreditation visit @Chorus room 1:45 p.m.

Thursday, Oct. 27th: HUI collaboration Day @Library 7:45 a.m.
Common Planning - all departments 2:30 p.m.

That's it and have great week!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Updates - Week of October 17th

Happy Spirit Week - Go WARRIORS!

Reminder to continue to incorporate writing within your curriculum. As part of our Professional Learning sessions, we will be reviewing examples of students' writing products across all content areas throughout the school year.

Attached is October's PLC calendar sent from Beth Pemberton earlier. Please note that Wednesday's, Oct. 19th session will have teachers sharing about the Interactive Notebook.

Reminder that the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) will be returning during the second semester for our mid-term assessment. As shared earlier, key areas that the visiting team will be reviewing are standards based instruction, use of data to ensure to monitor instruction, assessment process, types of professional development based on data, communication with parents addressing student learning, and progress per the revised bell schedule.

Finally, wanted to speak to our good work in terms of the HUIs and Academies. As we move forward in planning how we can better structure our school over the next 3 - 4 years, one of the primary reasons for this effort is to build that sense of relevance, rigor and personalization for all students. T eachers will eventually be dedicated to an academy where over the course from 9 - 12th grades, there will be that clear alignment. In terms of our Smaller Learning Community (SLC) program, we will continue to work hard to build that aligned focus for common planning, common students and with common teams of teachers. On a good forward basis over the next few years, we will honor those talents, skills and expertise of our staff as we are blessed with a very talented staff. Our transition will have that flexibility and consideration of certification, expertise and what else is needed to build capacity for the future. Please be assured that we have a good core of representatives within the Academies work group and there will always be open and timely communication so that everyone is aware.

Weekly Calendar:
Monday - SLC consortium schools mtg -Oahu

Wednesday - PLC session on Interactive Notebook @Chorus and Band Rooms @1:45 p.m.

Have great week!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Additional Updates - Week of Oct.10th

Our recent Fall intercession tutorial sessions were very successful as the number of students attending were very good as compared to past sessions. Thanks to Doris Morioka Fulks for the coordination and the teachers/support staff who came in to help support the students. Let's continue to encourage students to take advantage of the after school tutoring as students can always use extra supports.

Quarter 1 grades are due to the Todd Barcial by Friday Oct. 14th at 8:00 a.m. Upon receipt of all of the grades, Mr. Barcial will print verification rosters and will leave it in teachers' boxes. Verification rosters will be due to Todd on Monday Oct. 17th no later than 4:00 p.m. If you have completed your 1st quarter grades, please submit to Todd so he can address this process quicker.

Special kudos to Shane Tanioka and members of New Hope congregation for their tremendous gift. This past Saturday, they painted a good portion of A wing (rooms 9A - 13) and Mr. Tanioka's plans are to complete painting the entire wing over the next few weeks. Please be sure to share your appreciation should you meet up with Shane or other members of New Hope.

I will be out of the office beginning Tuesday, Oct. 11th and returning around the last week in October.....until then both Diane and Todd will be in charge.

Have a great week!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Updates - Week of Oct.10th

Welcome back and hope that everyone had a restful and relaxing break.

Reminder that the PSAT will be administered this Wednesday to students in grades 9, 10 & 11. Testing begins from period one until lunch and there will be no morning recess that day. Concurrently seniors will be meeting in the gym regarding their senior projects, graduation, senior contracts, etc. Teachers and support staff should have all been assigned and crossing my fingers that day goes smoothly! Due to the length of time involved with the PSAT, there will be no morning prep periods and teachers will be released at 1:35 that day.

As "writing" per the anchor standards is a primary focus across all content areas, administration will be asking teachers to share samples of students' writing products during the second quarter. Critical to have that solid school wide understanding and we will continue to have conversations about writing as part of the PLC sessions throughout the school year. Attached is October's PLC calendar.

The Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) will be returning during the second semester for our mid-term assessment reviewing progress addressing the accreditation report. Key areas that the visiting team will be asking teachers, administrators and support staff for evidence are:
  • Standards based learning and research based instructional practices in all classes;
  • Use of data to ensure to monitor instruction and students' learning;
  • System to assess all programs, reform initiatives, and professional development that is data driven;
  • Reporting practices on the academic progress and successes to parents/community; and
  • Revised bell schedule as it relates to meeting students needs.

While there were other areas discussed in the accreditation report such as Professional Learning Communities (PLC), Literacy, Data for School Improvement (DSI), Extended learning Opportunities (ELO), Smaller Learning Communities, Open Honors, Advanced Placement, etc., please note that we are addressing these areas as they are reflected in our current Academic/Financial plan. Copies of our Academic/Financial plans were provided at the opening meeting in August (included in the jump drive).

Finally, some construction updates.......
Walkway: Final inspection is scheduled for Wednesday, Oct. 12th and hopefully will be able to use the walkway this week.

Girls' Softball Stadium: Major work is pretty much almost completed as the contractor is addressing those finish types of work on the buildings, score board, back stop screen and the playing field. Attached are some recent inspection pictures and one picture reflects the color choice for walls for the bathrooms and concessions.....not an interior designer but thought it was a good selection.

Weekly Calendar:
Wednesday, Oct. 12th: PSAT/Senior Assembly
Early Release Day

Thursday, Oct. 13th: SLC Leadership Team meeting - P140 1:30 p.m.

Friday, Oct. 14th: Mike Neubig working w/ Academy work group I012 8:00 a.m.

Have a great week!