Kapaa High School | 4695 Mailihuna Rd. Kapaa, HI 96746 | Main Office Hours: 7am - 4pm M-F, Year Round | 808.821.4400
Nancy Borilez
, Kapaa High Parent Community Network Facilitator | Room I-102 (Main Office Bldg) | Direct 808.821.4401 x106 | nancy_borilez@notes.k12.hi.us

Monday, January 30, 2012

Updates - Week of January 30th

Congratulations! Our bell schedule is a go! In working with Educational Specialist Jill Zodrow @OCISS who coordinates this effort, our revised bell schedule met the criteria such as instructional minutes and was able to address questions utilizing non-instructional time. Will provide more updates a later date. Strategic communication to the community will now need to be coordinated. Great Job!

Beginning this week, administration will be meeting with all content areas to review progress to addressing student growth, curriculum maps , common assessments, and c onsistent grading practices . Along with this, counselors will be facilitating discussions addressing those identified struggling students. This will be coordinated through Doris Morioka Fulks. Attendees will be targeted students' teachers, counselors, school services coordinator and administration. Our target of 95% proficiency is priority. Attached provides for 99% of the teacher's reflections for 1st semester reflections.

JROTC: Received a call from PTSA president Robert Purdue sharing that our JROTC Drill team took 1st place in this past weekend state competition on Oahu. Congratulations and more information to follow.

Science projects: Congratulations to the students as their projects reflected the many hours of research, analyzing, organizing, writing, etc. ultimately producing their final product. Student's projects continue to be a solid formative assessment piece to validate learning. Good luck to the 15 students moving on to the District Science & Engineering Fair on Feb. 29th - March 2nd. Kudos also to the teachers who also played important roles in this effort!

Parent Registration Informational meetings: Informational sessions for SY 2012-13 were very successful reflecting a good number of attendees, parents involved in asking questions and sharing their appreciation. Special thanks to those staff members who played important roles in making this a success.....in fact many parents shared how wonderful it was for them being able to meet the staff.

Middle School Orientation: Kudos to Robyn Keawe, Kahele Keawe, Calvin Paleka and Evan Costa for their efforts at the orientation session at Kapaa Middle School. Several KMS staff and administration shared their thumbs-up for the two day sessions. Due to our projected enrollment counts, important that we get as many students enrolled.

Academy Registration: Per the work group progress, next year's academies are nicely well balanced. While they are waiting for some outstanding registration forms, things are moving along quite nicely. When fully implemented, this structure will provide students with that sense of purpose and relevance. Teachers will need to continue thinking as to where they would like to be in terms of HUI and Academies as by May of this school year, all teachers and support staff will be tentatively placed in an Academy or HUI up to grade 12.

Finally, the County of Kauai is promoting free bus rides on the Kauai Bus from Feb. 20th through March 10th per their long term vision promoting public transportation. Please share with students and other staff members.

Weekly Calendar:
Monday, Jan. 30th: Leadership mtg @Principal's office 8:30 a.m.
Principal mtg w/Art programs 2:30 p.m.
Tuesday, Jan. 31st: Principal mtg with Student Council @Student Center (lunch)
Wednesday, Feb. 1st: Administration meeting with Social Studies, Science and Mathematics departments 1:50 p.m.
Thursday, Feb. 2nd: Principal attending State SLC mtg @Pearl City High School

Have a great week!

Daniel S. Hamada
Kapaa High School
4695 Mailihuna Road
Kapaa, Kauai, Hawaii 96746
PH: (808) 821- 4401 ext. 102
FAX: (808) 821- 4420

Kapaa High School cares for and supports "ALL" students to be prepared for college, career, and citizenship in the 21st century.

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