Kapaa High School | 4695 Mailihuna Rd. Kapaa, HI 96746 | Main Office Hours: 7am - 4pm M-F, Year Round | 808.821.4400
Nancy Borilez
, Kapaa High Parent Community Network Facilitator | Room I-102 (Main Office Bldg) | Direct 808.821.4401 x106 | nancy_borilez@notes.k12.hi.us

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Updates - Week of August 29th

We'd like to wish Mr. Rodney Yadao congratulations and good fortune as he officially retires on August 31, 2011. Effective September 1, 2011, Mr. Clemente Hudson will be taking over as the new Auto Program instructor. Also, please welcome Craig Hawkinson - half-time science teacher who will also be starting Sept. 1st.

This week marks the mid point for the 1st quarter and we look forward to seeing our students' growth status. More importantly, every teacher should be continuing to reflect on determining interventions ensuring that students are proficient to targeted standards. Remember that we are focused on CLOSING THE ACHIEVEMENT GAP! We will be scheduling to meet with each department/HUI. Support members will include Title I, SPED DH, Counselors, SSC, Curriculum & SLC coordinators, & ELL. Review will be based in looking for evidence on:
  1. Student work (scored samples of writings, etc.)
  2. Formative assessments (results achieved)
  3. Grade books (evidence of standards taught)
  4. Curriculum maps , learning logs, etc. ( brief descriptions of lessons, units, and assessments)

A reminder that the "My Courses and Anchor Standards for Writing" template are due to Beth Pemberton the week of Sept 12th or sooner. You may submit as a department, HUI and/or individually. At the opening day meeting, teachers were provided a jump drive that included samples of the new state level test items closely linked with the "Anchor Standards -Reading, Writing, Critical Thinking and Speaking." Shortly, I will be sharing additional samples where the consortium of over 30 states (SMARTER BALANCE group) have created assessments using samples from science and social studies where students must provide their answers using the four anchor standards.

Kapaa High School teachers have two solid assessment tools to monitor student growth - Achieve 3000 TeenBiz and Data School Improvement Item Bank .
Achieve 3000 TeenBiz: Web-based differentiated literacy solutions that reach every student at his/her lexile. Assignments given to the class are also tailored according to each student's reading level and enables teachers to move students up surely and steadily level by level. This research based solution extends teachers' reach without increasing workloads or time demands and are proven to accelerate reading comprehension, fluency, writing proficiency, vocabulary and has a good correlation with high-stakes test scores. Reason for mentioning this is that the State Office of Curriculum, Instruction and Student Support provided TeenBiz to all secondary schools through a 3 - year state wide contract that expires after this school year. Kapaa High's usage data is low and I'm not sure if another contract will be continued. For more information on the potential, please ask your peers such as David Mireles who did a terrific presentation to a statewide audience about a year ago.

Data for School Improvement (DSI): Provides our 10th grade students and their teachers with a comprehensive picture about students' progress to the HCPS and predicts how they will do on the state assessment. Formative assessment items are aligned with the state standards and there's no limit as to how many times a student can take the DSI assessment. The premise in creating the DSI was to serve as a statewide support tool for students and teachers.

Finally I want to speak to our "true north" as an organization:
Our sole existence and purpose is the education of our students. If data shows that students are struggling, then we must adjust/change to strengthen our daily practices. The inevitable truth is that everything changes as we are not meant to look the same or act the same year in and year out. Growth brings new potential and I know for sure that when we work cohesively and open to receiving them, the possibilities keep on coming. In walking through the classrooms, very pleased to share that there's sound instruction and learning taking place...in fact in a good number of classes, students are challenged with higher level critical thinking types of work and not just recalling information. Yet in a few classes, I do question if there's a bell-to-bell focus and the rigor of the work. This same accountability applies to our support staff and administration in how we are supporting our students. I speak to this so to remind everyone, and especially myself, that we must be life-long learners, open to change/growth and modeling support for each other.

Weekly Calendar:
Monday, Aug. 29th: Department or Cross Curriculum PLC meeting
Tuesday, Aug. 30th : Principal @Complex Leadership meeting 7 - 9:30 a.m.
Thursday, Sept. 2nd: SLC leadership meeting 1:30 p.m.
HUI meeting 2:30 p.m.

Have a great week and keep up the good work!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Updates - Week of August 22nd

Per the August 17th PLC session, attached are copies of the "Session Exit feedback" and "My Courses and Anchor Standards for Writing".

In reviewing the "session exit" feedback, all of the comments except one were very positive. Per the "comments and suggestions", about a third asked for more time to focus. As we have a limited amount of time within a workday, we'll strategize to see if we can honor this request. Overall, majority stated they found session fruitful and appreciated hearing from their peers. Be assured that we'll continue to honor your suggestions.

Reminder to submit how you will be addressing writing within your lessons on the "My Courses and Anchor Standards for Writing" template. You may work on this as a department, HUI and/or individually. As writing is a "tool" of learning, this will serve as one of the accountability "evidence" on students' progress across all disciplines. Please submit to Beth Pemberton (cc -administration) week of Sept. 12th.

Time flies....hard to believe that we are nearing that mid-point for the 1st quarter. Critical that your data provides guidance as to students' progress and determine how to re-teach and/or accelerate learning supports. Beginning the first week of September, administration to meet with each department/HUI to assess student progress. Included in this quarterly curriculum review process will include Title I, SPED DH, Counselors, SSC, Curriculum & SLC coordinators, & ELL. Currently, looking to review evidence based on:
  • Formative assessments (with results achieved)
  • Grade books (evidence that standards are being taught);
  • Curriculum Maps , learning logs, etc ( brief descriptions of lessons, units, and assessments); and
  • Student work (scored samples of writings, etc.)

Mike Neubig, a highly respected consultant on secondary schools will working with our Academy Design Team (chaired by Evan and Janis) and department heads on Wednesday, August 24th. Later he will be speaking at our PLC session providing insights and his work with national & local secondary schools based on the current research to help us better structure our bell schedule to meet students' needs.

Finally.... want to address students' use of profanity and the importance that we are consistent in addressing this unacceptable behavior. Expectations are that every staff member counsel any student that uses profanity (no matter the type of conversations) that this is not tolerated. Need to send that consistent message that all students will conduct themselves with dignity. This extends to extra-curricular clubs, sport events, etc. Our students (adults included) serve as ambassadors in projecting the values/beliefs that Kapaa High School stands for.

Monday - Aug. 22nd: PEP-T meeting - Library 2:30 p.m.
Tuesday - Aug. 23rd: Principal @Complex Area Leadership Meeting
Wednesday - Aug. 24th Academy Design Team session w/Mike Neubig - Library 7:45 a.m.
PLC session w/Mike Neubig - Chorus Room 1:45 p.m.
Thursday - Aug. 25th: Vice-Principals @Complex Area VP Meeting

Thanks for your dedicated efforts in making that positive difference for our students!


Tuesday, August 16, 2011

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Warrior Alert! Kapaa High Website has a new URL!

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Please note the Kapaa High Website new URL is: http://www.k12.hi.us/~kapaahs/.
Please update your bookmarks and spread the word!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Updates - Week of August 15th

In reviewing our students' actions, behaviors and especially academia over the past two weeks, things look quite positive and ask everyone to continue this momentum as we provide that quality education environment second to none.

Want to speak to a few points addressing our master scheduling process to date and how we will be moving forward:
a) Challenges that we were experiencing where class sizes are low and then spikes to the 30's the following period are simply the result in not being able to offer additional sections to help support an equanimity schedule;
b) Our current teacher staffing is well below the student ratio of 27 -1 (in fact all classes should reflect an average of low 20's) and yet we remain victims to an antiquated bell schedule which will continue to challenge us;
c) With the recent new requirements in effect...... Algebra I minimum course for Math and Biology minimum for Science, other less rigorous courses can no longer be offered as a core resulting in some courses/periods having high numbers; and
d) Per BOE Policy 4540, we have that obligation to provide that required 25th credit to all students and that freshmen class affected will coming on board shortly.

On a go forward basis, two immediate actions:
1st) Mike Neubig, consultant with strong national knowledge in working with secondary schools schedules will be meeting with our faculty on Wednesday, August 24th; and
2nd) Will ask for volunteers to serve on the Bell Schedule Work Group to gather input and bring forth a proposal for consideration. Targeted time-frame is around October/November as the SY 2012-13 staffing and other operational costs must be finalized by the end of December 2011.

Important that we are all part of the solution in addressing our future in how our school will look like and operate over the next few years. Know that at the end of the day, we will do what's best for the students.

We are fortunate to be able to host three students and their advisor from our sister school in Ishigaki, Japan. Guests will be visiting classrooms from August 18th - 25th. Lillian Wadahara is doing the coordination and please inform your students that we are confident that they will display that ALOHA spirit.

Congratulations to Col Roberto Levoit as he was recently accepted into the Leadership Kauai program. Leadership Kauai offers a wide venue in working with the various outstanding and respected community leaders. Know that Roberto will be sharing what he has learned to further support our school in our quest for excellence.

Mon. - Aug. 15th: Principal @Smaller Learning Community mtg - Oahu

Wed. - Aug. 17th: Professional Learning Communities Meeting (all staff) 1:45 p.m. @Chorus Room. Continuing discussions/sharing on the anchor standards;

Thurs. - Aug. 18th: Club Fair during lunch recess @Cafeteria Lanai

Fri. - Aug. 19th: Holiday (Statehood) - No School

Thanks and have a great week!

Daniel S. Hamada

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Updates - Week of August 8th

In reflecting the first week of school, majority of students were focused, overall instruction looked consistent bell to bell, and in fact saw a good number of students revel in their classroom activities modeling team camaraderie. As shared, our benchmark target of 95% reflect our expectations for our students as we close that achievement gap.

Over the years, research has been consistent as to common trends in schools with the greatest gains. Fundamentally there are five consistent practices no matter the school's grade level and/or income demographics.....they are holistic accountability; nonfiction writing in every subject; frequent use of common assessments; immediate & decisive interventions; and the constructive use of data. Many of you already know this and the key is whether we implement this consistently in our daily practices.

As we are currently addressing writing in the Wednesday's PLC sessions, evidence is clear that when students engage in more nonfiction writing that includes editing, collaborative scoring, constructive teacher feedback, and re-writing....student achievement improves. Perhaps author Steven King said it best...."that writing is thinking through the end of a pen". Successful schools do not use writing as a diversion from math, science, music, or sports. Rather they have that conviction that if these disciplines are worthy of thinking, then they are worthy of writing.

Realize that some educators may have an aversion to nonfiction writing and their preference for fiction writing is based on the idea that nonfiction is boring and fiction is entertaining. Yet.... tell that to an elementary student watching a butterfly emerge from a cocoon; that middle school student who feels pride & excitement about an art project; and that high school student who is very passionate about global economics. Students want to engage in rich, descriptive, persuasive and analytical writing....that in itself makes nonfiction writing fun, exciting and real.

Special kudos to Brandon Fujita and his students for planting the recently donated pine tress along the northern end of our campus fence line. As you may be aware, about 25 trees were donated by Grove Farm Kauai in helping to beautify as well as stop the erosion of our campus in certain areas. Awesome when students model that civic responsibility in helping to better our school.

Friday, August 12th is the "official student enrollment count date where schools may be gaining or losing resources. Our Academic/Financial plan already reflects a solid focused plan and we'll be fine. Will have a more comprehensive agenda discussion with the Dept Chairs this Thursday and should you have items that need to be covered, please check with your dept chair.

Finally, please submit your "course syllabus" electronically to the principal by Monday, August 8th; and your "Employee Information for Emergency Purposes" sheet to Leila Kaneholani as soon as possible.

Wed, Aug. 10th: Professional Learning Communities Meeting (all staff) 1:45 p.m. @Chorus Room. Continuing discussions on the Writing anchor standards;

Thurs, Aug. 11th: Department Chair meeting 2:30 p.m. @Library

Fri. - Aug. 12th: Official Student Enrollment count date; and
Welcome Back Assembly 1:10 - 2:20 p.m. @Gym

Thanks and have a great week!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Updates - Week of August 1st

As we begin SY 2011-12, wishing everyone the very best as we support all students to achieve. Together we will focus on:
  • Closing the achievement gap; and
  • Building our internal capacity.

Our benchmark target of 95% reflect that high expectations we expect of ourselves for our students. Throughout this year, we will collaboratively review those critical data such as attendance, grades, promotion, HSA, Chapter 19, extra curricular, etc. to help monitor our progress. We will also spend time as a professional community of learners to ensure that we are headed in the right direction. Change is constant and our success must reflect that learning organization where we collaboratively adapt, learn and transform based on data. We must honor and continue building that learning community culture, including building norms for working together.

Over the weekend, our school was very fortunate in having a very successful beautification project. Thank you to the New Hope congregation, businesses such as Home Depot and Pono Market, and other community members for giving of their time. Kudos to also PCNC - Nancy Borilez and VP - Todd Harrison for their good work!

Addressing the status of the construction projects.....the "covered walkway" will be continuing through August and the "softball stadium" is slated to finish sometime around November. The re-roofing work for Bldg "B" (Science) and "K" (Gym) are expected to be done on this week with the final inspection on Friday, Aug. 5th. The electrical upgrades for Bldg. A is almost done and should be ready by the end of this week. Appreciate everyone's patience and to minimize disruptions, moved several projects back to the first intercession and/or summer.

The HUI's 9th grade orientation will be on Monday, August 1st beginning @8:00 a.m. in the gym. Please introduce yourselves to the students and parents during their orientation of the school. Teachers not involved are asked to meet as departments in planning as to how the anchor Literacy standards ( Reading, Writing, Speaking & Listening) will be integrated through their instruction and student work. Department Chairs are asked to ensure that their department is ready to share implementation examples at the first PLC mtg scheduled for Wednesday, August 3rd @2:00 p.m.

Teachers are asked to review and submit their course syllabus electronically to the principal by Monday, August 8th, 2011.


Mon. - Aug.1st: *Freshman Orientation 7:45 - 2:20 p.m; and
*Departments Meetings - discuss incorporating the four anchor standards (reading, writing, speaking and listening) within each discipline.
Wed. - Aug. 3rd: *Professional Learning Communities Meeting (all staff) @Chorus Room. Each department will share at least two strategies, means of assessing student growth, and time-frame.

Fri. - Aug. 5th: *Principal will be mtg with contractors to do a final inspection for the Bldgs. "B" (Science) and "K" Gym re-roofing projects.

Here's to a great week and a successful school year!

Daniel S. Hamada
Kapaa High School
4695 Mailihuna Road
Kapaa, Kauai, Hawaii 96746
PH: (808) 821- 4401 ext. 102
FAX: (808) 821- 4420

Kapaa High School cares for and supports "ALL" students to be prepared for college, career, and citizenship in the 21st century.