Kapaa High School | 4695 Mailihuna Rd. Kapaa, HI 96746 | Main Office Hours: 7am - 4pm M-F, Year Round | 808.821.4400
Nancy Borilez
, Kapaa High Parent Community Network Facilitator | Room I-102 (Main Office Bldg) | Direct 808.821.4401 x106 | nancy_borilez@notes.k12.hi.us

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Weekly Principal's Address Monday November 29

Welcome back and hope everyone had a restful and relaxing Thanksgiving break!  

Congratulations to Carol Shikada as effective Wednesday, December 1st., she will be starting in her new role as Kauai Complex Area Academic Officer.  Carol's vast experience ranges from a classroom Teacher, Vice-principal, Principal, School Renewal Specialist, and currently the Director for Student Support Branch within OCISS.   Kauai schools are very fortunate to have someone of such experience and talent return home.

Over the next two weeks, students will be taking the Hawaii State Assessment portion for the Language Arts/Reading and Science.  With the immediate feedback as to how our students are progressing,  will be having content area teachers visit our data room to review students' results and strategize re-teaching focus areas.

Administration will be continuing with classroom visitations this week.   Please note that we are monitoring "bell-to-bell" instruction and also listening for higher level questioning where students are challenged to think, respond, and produce work of such quality.  

Thank you for dedicated efforts in helping Kapaa High School is second to none in providing "all" students with quality education.  

Academic/Financial plans:    Attached are the draft for SY 2011-12 and key talking points visual.   As shared, please review and provide any feedback thru your department chair.   Appreciate feedback to date from a couple of our department chairs.  Kapaa High's Ac/Fin plan will also go thru a "peer review" by the Complex Area office this Friday from 8 - 12:00 p.m.       
Smaller Learning Community  (Laulima):    Attached are the responses to the questions received from the November 17th faculty meeting.  Should you have further questions, feel free to share them through your  Dept. Chair and will respond as soon as possible.  

Common Core Standards:     Asked by several teachers to resend the information on the "crosswalks" between the Common Core State Standards and the Hawaii Content & Performance Standards (HCPS III).   Crosswalk information can be found at this website   http://standardstoolkit.k12.hi.us/index.html    and click on DOCUMENT LIBRARY.  I was able to verify with both Educational Math Specialist Dewey Gottlieb and Educational Language Arts Specialist, Dr. Petra Schatz that the Office of Curriculum Instruction and Student Support (OCISS) will be conducting professional development beginning second semester and into next school year.

Principals & Vice-Principals Mtgs:   Effective January 2011, Kauai Complex Area principals' mtg will be move to the fourth Tuesday of the month January 25th and vice-principals' mtgs will be held on the fourth Thursday January 27th.   Reason is to avoid conflicts with the State level mtg changes for the Personnel Regional Officers, and District Educational (SPED & SBBH) Specialists.  

That's it and have a great week!  

Daniel S. Hamada
Kapaa High School
4695 Mailihuna Road
Kapaa, Kauai, Hawaii  96746
PH:  (808) 821- 4401 ext. 102
FAX:  (808) 821- 4420

"Wisdom is knowing the right path to take....integrity is taking it."  M. H. McKee

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Kapaa High Robotics Team Assist @ Lego Robotics Competition

Kapaa High School Robotics Team members participated in the recent Lego robotics competition at Wilcox Elementary School his past Saturday.

The Garden Island had coverage of the event but no mention was made of the Kapaa High  Robotics Team Students of Faculty Advisors.

Other notable news is the recent PTSA sponsorship of the Kapaa HS Robotics Team that assisted the team in obtaining basic materials that will advance the designing and production of competitive robots for Kapaa High School Team when participating in the VEX high school robotics league.

Mr. Cox was joined by a student member of the club at the November PTSA meeting where the goals and challenges of the Robotics team were shared with the PTSA Board and members and Principal Daniel Hamada..
Mahalo to the PTSA for their support of academics and specifically S.T.E.M.* education on The Garden Island!
*S.T.E.M. Science, Technology, Engineering and Math.

Land, Natural Resource Education

Students from Kapaa High participated in a pasture restoration field trip. The trip was organized by Kapaa High Science Teacher Meghan Ornellas.

JROTC Adventure Team Brings Home 2 Trophies!

Congratulations – JROTC
Last Saturday, the JROTC Adventure Team competed in the Baldwin Triathlon on Maui. They was a total of 23 teams in the competition. We earned the third place trophy in two categories: the all male team and mixed male/female team. The competition events were the obstacle course, swim relay and two mile run. The following cadets made-up the all male team: Joe Blair, Kleiff Pascual, Kyle Jimenez, and Christian Perdue and the mixed team consisted of Jonah Plemer, Jennifer Mata, Shawna Duhigg, and Jameson Macadamia. Congratulations to the JROTC Adventure Team for bringing home some hardware and representing yourselves, your families, the Army JROTC program and Kapa’a High School with great pride. Hooah

Monday, November 22, 2010

SENIORS & Their Parents/Guardians: Fall 2010 FAFSA Information Night

Helping your teen navigate post secondary choices?
If your teen is college bound, don't miss this workshop!
FAFSA Scholarship and Financial Aid Worshop
Thursday Dec 2, 2010
6pm @ the Library

Mark Your Calendar: Freshmen Parent/Guardian Registration Info Night

Parents of Incoming Freshmen: Not to be missed! 
The annual Kapaa High Freshman Parent Information Night.
Monday December 6th, 2010
6pm @ The Library

Course Registration is happening now for next years' sophomores, juniors and seniors. Freshman Orientation is next!

Come get information a general overview, details on course options, graduation requirements, honors and advanced placement courses and the registration process for the 2011-12 school year. This meeting offers parents the opportunity to have question answered or get personal assistance from the administration and  academic counselors

According to Mrs. Robyn Keawe, Kapaa High Counselor, “Kapaa High School and the DOE are constantly evolving and improving. There are changes, new opportunities and developments each year. We hope Kapaa High parents and guardians of incoming freshmen attend this registration night to benefit from all the most recent information and take advantage of assistance we are offering for success course registration for the 2011-12 school year."

Come Meet our new principal, Mr. Hamada and find out about the new Smaller Learning Communities plan that will be starting next year at Kapaa High

Reminder: SY2011-12 Course Registration Forms Due BY Friday December 3rd.

Students: Registration forms need to be completed and turned in before Dec. 3rd.
If you need a new form, extras/replacements are available from the Registrar, Mr. Barcial.

Weekly Principal's Address Monday November 22

With Thanksgiving nearly upon us, important to take time from our busy schedules to take stock and truly acknowledge everyone's dedicated efforts!   Please know that Diane, Todd and I are often commenting about the many good things happening here at Kapaa High School.   The business of education will continue to be both challenging and filled with new opportunities as we are tasked with that noblest of responsibilities......the education of our future generations.  

Margaret Mead said it well...."Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world.  Indeed...it's the only thing that ever has."  

Thank you for doing what you do and who you are....together as an ohana, will make Kapaa High School second to none in providing "all" students with quality education.  

Teacher Learning Community mtgs:    On Monday, Nov. 22, 2010, the administrative staff will be attending your TLC mtgs to discuss updates on the AC/Fin draft, Smaller Learning Comm (Laulima) grant and future master calendar.  We will attempt to get to all of the department's TLCs in a timely manner.    Principal will also be sure to speak with all department heads on Monday prior to their mtgs.   Copies of the draft Ac/Fin have been e-mailed to all GLC's.

Common Core Standards:     The "crosswalks" between the Common Core State Standards and the Hawaii Content & Performance Standards (HCPS III) are now available for your review.     Crosswalk information can be found at this website   http://standardstoolkit.k12.hi.us/index.html    and click on DOCUMENT LIBRARY.     Content staff from the Office of Curriculum Instruction and Student Support (OCISS) are planning to do professional development beginning second semester and into next school year.  Will keep everyone posted.

Academic/Financial plans:    Attached document contains those key talking points addressing our 2011-12 .    Our Smaller Learning Community grant (Laulima)  is very closely aligned in supporting our school-wide focused efforts.   Please use this visual as your reference when speaking to students, parents and other community members.

Have a safe and restful Thanksgiving break!

Daniel S. Hamada
Kapaa High School
4695 Mailihuna Road
Kapaa, Kauai, Hawaii  96746
PH:  (808) 821- 4401 ext. 102
FAX:  (808) 821- 4420

"Wisdom is knowing the right path to take....integrity is taking it."  M. H. McKee

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Reminder: FAFSA Parent Workshop Thurs Dec 2

The Financial Aid Workshop is scheduled for Thursday, December 2nd at 6:00 pm in the Kapaa High School library. The purpose of this workshop is to introduce parents to the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) and to give them some tips on how to complete this application on-line and on time.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Mid-Quarter Progress Reports Going Home

Mid-Q2 Progress Reports have been put in 1st period teachers'  boxes ready for distribution to students.

If a student is missing a progress report, they have been instructed to go to the registrar's office  during morning or lunch recess only.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

This Week! Course Registration Night- Tues. 16th

Mark Your Calendars! Kapaa High’s annual course registration night where Kapaa High Counselors will share information on course options, graduation requirements, honors and advanced placement courses and the registration process for the 2011-12 school year. Parents and guardians of current Kapaa High students should plan to attend.

Who: Parents & Guardians of Current Kapaa HS Students
What: Annual Course Registration Information Night
When: Tuesday November 16th, 2010, 6PM
Where: Kapaa High School Library

Kapaa High Academic Counselors will present information on course options, graduation requirements, honors and advanced placement courses and the registration process for the 2011-12 school year. This meeting offers parents the opportunity to have question answered or get personal assistance from the academic counselors
According to Mrs. Robyn Keawe, Kapaa High Counselor, Kapaa High School and the DOE are constantly evolving and improving. There are changes, new opportunities and developments each year. We hope Kapaa High parents and guardians attend this registration night to benefit from all the most recent information and take advantage of assistance we are offering for successful course registration for the 2011-12 school year.
Kapaa High students will have already received their registration forms through their first period teacher on November 12th, 2010. Due date for registration forms will be specified on the registration form.
There will be a separate meeting for incoming freshmen for SY 2011-12 dates TBA. Letters regarding freshman year course registration will be distributed to all incoming freshmen currently enrolled in middle schools in the East Kauai school complex.

Weekly Principal's Address 11-14-2010

Want to take this opportunity to share feedback per administration's classroom visitations.....

Overall, students are focused as instruction are "bell-to-bell", standards taught are clearly written, and word walls can be seen in a good number of classrooms.   Balanced pedagogy can be seen in terms of instruction balanced with students involved in independent/group work.   Pleased to see several classes where instruction clearly identified students' strengths and structured to appeal to those attributes.   While evident in some classes, would like to encourage more higher level questions instead of just memorizing for facts.....helping our students to develop into competent problem solvers and critical thinkers.

Want to also acknowledge our support staff....whether it be helping someone at the office area, maintaining a safe/clean campus, or ensuring that students are fed in a timely manner.....our classified staff continue to demonstrate that level of pride and dedication.

Mahalo to everyone for your good work as we prepare all students for college, careers, and citizenship in the 21st Century!

Faculty Mtg - Wednesday Nov. 17th  2:00 pm:    Topics to discuss will address updates on the Smaller learning Community Grant titled "LAULIMA I MAKAUKAU NA KEIKI", meeting Lisa Mireles - Grant Coordinator, discussion on the current and future Academic/Financial plans, etc.   Should any departments have other topics to be discussed, please have Dept Heads contact administration.

Registration SY 2011-12:     Want to thank Mr. Barcial for working late into the evening hours on the SY 2011-12 registration forms and instructions so to ensure a smooth coordination.  Reminder that the forms are due on December 3rd.,

Vice-Principals' Mtg:    Diane Ayre and Todd Harrison will be attending their monthly vice-principals' mtg on Tuesday, Nov. 16th @Kauai Complex Area Office from 8:30 - 3:30 p.m.

Kauai Complex Area Principals' Meeting:   I will be off-campus attending the Complex Area principals' mtg on Thursday, Nov. 18th. 8 - 3:30 p.m.   Both Diane and Todd will be in charge.

FIRST Lego Competition:     The Annual FIRST Lego competition will be held this Saturday, Nov. 20th 8 - 3:00 p.m. at Wilcox Elementary School.  Teams from our elementary and middle schools will be competing for top awards and berths into the State FIRST Lego Competition on Oahu.  This event is sponsored in partnership with the Kauai Economic Develop ment Board and the Kauai Complex Area.   Great to see what students are able to create as they'll be entering high sc hool in a few short years!    

That's it and have a great week!

Daniel S. Hamada
Kapaa High School
4695 Mailihuna Road
Kapaa, Kauai, Hawaii  96746
PH:  (808) 821- 4401 ext. 102
FAX:  (808) 821- 4420

"Wisdom is knowing the right path to take....integrity is taking it."  M. H. McKee

Monday, November 8, 2010

Come On Out & Support PTSA Project Grad 2011

Join us for McNite at Kapa'a McDonalds
November 10th, Wednesday, 6:00 - 9:00 p.m
Fundraiser to benefit Kapaa High School PTSA- Project Graduation 2011
All you need to do is order your families meal at McDonalds for Wednesday night or get some delicious apple pie, sundae or McFlurrys.
Make sure to stop by between 6 and 9 pm
Come and Support our Serving Team
Mahalo, Felina M.K Silva Co-Chairperson

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Weekly Principal's Address Monday, November 8

Thank you to the many individuals who helped to make this past Thursday's State Board of Education meeting a huge success.   Special kudos to Leila Kaneholani in coordinating getting the tables, table cloths, and chairs;  Suwela Esteban and custodial staff for setting-up and back-ground decorations; our great chefs/servers...Debbie Lacaden, Robert Purdue & Margaret Goode for the outstanding dinner; and Catherine Paleka and her students for the wonderful performances.   Special thanks to Pastor Steve Thompson, North Shore Christian Church and Beth Haddock, Kauai Beach Resort for their donations of the tables and table cloths.  This was certainly an example of outstanding collaboration, partnerships and hard work!
Congratulations to Catherine Paleka and her students at the Tournament of Bands held at Kamehameha School's campus this past Saturday evening.  Kapaa High School and community should be very proud as our students really gave a terrific performance.   Nearly twenty public and private high schools (Division I, II and III) participated late into the evening.....truly awesome event and experience for all students involved.

Data for School Improvement:   As you are aware, Data for School Improvement (DSI) item bank serves that one formative assessment to be used by all schools beginning SY 2010-11.  The DSI contains about 10,000 (Math & Language Arts) items that are aligned to the HCPS III in grades 3 - 8 and 10.  Teachers may have their students take the assessment at anytime as it provides immediate feedback as to students' progress to the content standards.  While teachers will appreciate this as an instructional resource, it also brings that systemic alignment where all schools will be on the same formative assessment system.  Kapaa High's first DSI training will be given this Wednesday, Nov. 10th 1:45 - 2:45 p.m. in I100 lab for the initial teacher group.  Please check with Beth should you have any questions.

Academic/Financial Plans:   Reminder that departments heads need to meet with their departments to review and facilitate discussions as to the progress per our Academic/Financial plan targets.   Critical that we take that "gut-check" as to where we are as a school in terms of accountability.   Appreciate that you send your department mtg. minutes sent to Beth, Diane, Todd and myself.

Co-Teaching:  Thank you to those teachers who provided feedback.  Will work with Todd to review comments and plan for a follow-up mtg so that we can continue to strategize toward continuous improvement.
Have a great week!
Daniel S. Hamada
Kapaa High School
4695 Mailehuna Road
Kapaa, Kauai, Hawaii  96746
PH:  (808) 821- 4401 ext. 102
FAX:  (808) 821- 4420

"Wisdom is knowing the right path to take....integrity is taking it."  M. H. McKee

Kapaa VEX and Kauai Island FIRST Robotics On the Rise

On Saturday afternoon November 6th, 2010, Kapa`a High School VEX Robotics and our Kaua`i Island FIRST robotics team #2465 hosted the second Kaua`i VEX Friendly of the robotics competition season.  The event was again hosted at Kapa`a High School with all the exiting VEX robotics teams from our Garden Island participating: Island School , Kaua`i High , Kapa`a Middle , and Kapa`a High School .  (Next year we hope this list will include all schools on Kaua`i.)

Our robots have really evolved, and our student's skills have improved since the initial Friendly held just two weeks ago.  All of our Garden Island teams continue to work together in the spirit of gracious professionalism and cooperation. The Island School VEX team shared the information they learned from attending a VEX qualifying tournament held on Oahu on Saturday October 30. It seems that many teams have developed a "mischievous" defensive strategy for this year's game. There are a few robots that can climb the ladder located in the center of the field, some robots that can score at will, with more teams continuing to develop design concepts and then build and improve upon the prototypes.  It's STEM education in action.

We have only 4 more weeks of designing, building, and practicing before we all head to Oahu for the Pan Pacific VEX Robotics Tournament. We have designed our Oahu trip so that all the teams from our Garden Island will be on the same Friday morning flight.  We will all fly to and from the tournament together and when we get there one of our team members has arranged for all us to travel by bus to the tournament. This means that all of our Garden Island robotic teams will arrive at the tournament together, making a further statement of the unity of all of our team, a Purple Wave of about 40 people.

Also in the news, our Kaua`i Island FIRST Robotics Team #2465 has taken on the project of setting up, tearing down, and helping with the Kaua`i First Lego League (FLL) tournament.  FLL is the elementary and middle school entry level robotics competition.

Mahalo to Dr. Kalk, of KCC for outstanding "Statistics for Science Fair" Workshop, Support of Science Curricuulum @ Kapaa and Island-wide

We would like to express our deep gratitude to Dr. Jon Kalk, of Kauai Community College for giving up his Saturday morning to teach a workshop on "Statistics for Science Fair". The workshop was held at Kapa`a High School, from 9 until noon.

Dr. Kalk has been incredibly supportive with his time and expertise in our efforts to raise the rigor of our science fair projects around the island. Due to his patience and training and the increased efforts of our teachers and students across the island our Kauai District Science Fair continues to grow and the quality of the projects continues to improve.

Teachers expressed an interest to have this workshop early in the science fair "season" so we could better help our students during the process. The workshop was attended by Justin Yamagata (science) from Waimea Canyon Middle School, Kevin Johnson (science) and Robert Odoya (math) from Kaua`i High, and Jim Cox (science) Kapa`a High School.

The next workshop held by Dr. Kalk will be the weekend of Dec 17th. This December workshop will be offered through KSTEM.

Mahalo Dr. Kalk.

Jim Cox
Physics/ Physical Science/ Robotics Teacher
Kapa`a High School

Kapaa Warrior Student Students Beat out Kamehameha and St. Louis in Statewide Video Contest

Kapa‘a High School students won first prize and $2,000 in a video contest on safe teen driving that took place in the third week of October as part of National Teen Driver Safety Week.

Finalists included:
  1. $ 2,000 to Kapaa High School for "Intexticated"
  2. $ 1,000 to Kamehameha Schools Big Island campus for “Football and Texting"
  3. $ 500 to St. Louis High School, for “If Not You, Then Who?”
Congrats to the students and to all the teachers, , administrators, parents/guardians and any community mentors who contributed! Go Warriors!

If you have indepth information about these student projects, the classes or Kapaa High faculty that participated, please comment below, or send an email to khsprincipalsforum@gmail.com or to Principal Hamada for forwarding.
Mahalo, Principal's Forum

Go here to see videos from this contest (uTube)...

2nd Quarter Mid-Quarter cut-off is Wednesday

Attention Parents/Guardians: Faculty will be finalizing Mid-Quarter grades Wednesday. Please remind your teen to check with their teachers to ensure that s/he has no missing assignments, etc. If you have questions or concerns, as your child's first educator, you are always invited if not urged to contact your teens teachers.

Also, FYI: Teachers are always available for private conference by appointment.
Here are some ways to contact your teen's teachers:
  • by phone during their daily preparation period. See the KHS Directory aka "TeacherFinder (pdf version)" for the full information on each teacher, their phone extension, WHEN they have their prep. Also provides email address and room number.
  • email. the email format for all DOE employees is "firstname_lastname@notes.k12.hi.us"
  • Engrade/ edu20. Some teachers use engrade, others edu20. A few others, well intended, use additional alternate web tools. Contact individual teachers for information/assistance and access codes.

Best Wishes to Kapaa High Band & Color Guard Competing in State Competitions

Kapaa High Band and Color Guard under the direction of Kapaa High Music Director and Fine Arts Dept Head Catherine Paleka  are on Oahu participating in 3 statewide marching band competitions thru this coming week:  
The Kamehameha Schools Tournament of Bands (11/6)
The University of Hawai'i Rainbow Invitational (11/10)
The Kapolei Hurricane Marching Band Competition (11/13). According to Ms. Paleka,  they will be competing against bands 3x their size...
We are all rooting for them. Go Warriors!

FYI: Kapaa High Science Teacher Mrs. Meghan Goodale's new email address

FYI: students, parents/guardians, Kapaa High staff,
Kapaa High faculty member who you may refer to and know as Meghan Ornellas officially changed her name to Meghan Goodale and her DOE email address has been updated to reflect the change. Please note it in your email address contacts!


Monday, November 1, 2010

Weekly Principal's Address Monday, November 1

Please keep reminding your students on the importance of getting to class on time.  Thank you to those teachers who have been standing at their doors helping students into their classes as it really reflects on the importance and value of learning time.  

It was great seeing the students receive their ice-cream this past Friday as part of their GLO recognition.  While this may be a small way of recognizing them for their good work...taking  time to acknowledge them for their positive efforts certainly goes a long way in helping to build their confidence and self-esteem!   "We Care for  and We Prepare ALL Students  for Careers, College, and Citizenship in the 21 st  Century”