Kapaa High School | 4695 Mailihuna Rd. Kapaa, HI 96746 | Main Office Hours: 7am - 4pm M-F, Year Round | 808.821.4400
Nancy Borilez
, Kapaa High Parent Community Network Facilitator | Room I-102 (Main Office Bldg) | Direct 808.821.4401 x106 | nancy_borilez@notes.k12.hi.us

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Benefits for the Kapa’a Warriors Basketball Teams

Who: Warrior Parents & Guardians and students and Kapaa High Community!
What: Warrior Basketball Program is having it's McWarrior night
Where:Waipouli McDonalds in Kapaa. 
When: Thursday, 10/28/10 from 
Time: 5-8p.m.

Also...here is our next upcoming Fundraising event:

A Benefit for the Kapa’a Warriors Basketball Teams (Girls and Boys)
Green and White Game- JV and Varsity Teams
Saturday, November 20, 2010- Kapa’a Gym

1:00p.m.- Hanakila A vs. Hanakila B (11U)
3:30 p.m.- Hanakila vs. Kaua’i Ballers (13U)
5:00p.m.- JV Boys Green vs. JV Boys White
6:30p.m.- JV and Varsity Girls Green and White
8:00p.m.- Varsity Boys Green vs. Varsity Boys White

Adults- $5.00, Students and Children- $3.00
The concession will be OPEN for your convenience, and will be serving delicious food and drink for your enjoyment! Mahalo!

- Submitted by Mylie Aui.

1 comment:

  1. Please find this additional information on the purpose of this fundraiser: "We are looking forward to a very SUCCESSFUL McWarrior night tomorrow...we need to cover the costs of our preseason travel, which amounts to over $9,000.00 to take our teams to Oahu in December. We need to take it to the next level...but I know we can pull it off,..."
    Aloha and Mahalo!
    Mylie and Coach Lew
