Kapaa High School | 4695 Mailihuna Rd. Kapaa, HI 96746 | Main Office Hours: 7am - 4pm M-F, Year Round | 808.821.4400
Nancy Borilez
, Kapaa High Parent Community Network Facilitator | Room I-102 (Main Office Bldg) | Direct 808.821.4401 x106 | nancy_borilez@notes.k12.hi.us

Monday, February 28, 2011

Updates - Week of Feb. 28th

Let me begin in welcoming Tanya Wadhwani to our "ohana" as she officially started this past Friday, Feb. 25th as our new English teacher. Tanya most recently was at Hawaii Tech Academy and will be a great asset to our school. Ms. Wadhwani spent a good amount of time in working closely with Heather Wickersham to help for that smooth transition.

Kudos to Lisa Mireles as she also became an official member of our staff effective Friday Feb. 25th. Lisa will continue to serve as our half-time SLC grant coordinator as this effort is a critical component of our school's Academic/Financial plans. Mrs. Mireles brings much experience and energy as a former principal, back ground in teaching academia, IB, accreditation, etc.

This past week, our school has benefited in having two key work groups come together in planning and strategically looking at how we can better support our students to be ready for college, career and citizenship for the 21st century:

On Thursday, Feb. 24th a planning group comprised of Diane Ayre, Waianela Boiser, Stephanie Carvalho, Terri Christensen, Ryan Harper, Erin Millard, Lisa Mireles, Brent Mizutani, Cheryl Pahl, and Fred Rivera had a very fruitful session with Larry Gloeckler and Patti from the International Leadership Center looking at how we can better support co-teaching. This commitment to better support teachers involved with co-teaching will happen and school-wide data will be always utilized when making any decisions.

On Friday, Feb. 25th and Saturday, Feb. 26th, our "Laulima" Smaller Learning Community representatives came away from a very productive work session on Maui. Our school team worked with the consortium high schools comprised of Castle, Maui, McKinley, and Pearl City facilitated by Michelle Swanson and Theron Cosgrave. Over the two days, this group worked hard at addressing school structures, strategies and decision points in better supporting students. Members were Diane Ayre, Evan Costa, Janis Gowan, Robyn Keawe, Erin Millard, Lisa Mireles, Calvin Paleka, Catherine Paleka, and Wendy Schwarze. Important updates will be shared at the special faculty meeting on Wednesday, March 2nd.

Want to acknowledge our staff who generously dedicate and volunteer their time. It is truly very humbling, powerful and spiraling when people come together for a common purpose. Believe that the Japanese culture call this "Kaizen"....when you come together in spiraling forward.

At your Monday meetings, ask that each department allow time for discussing/sharing pedagogy practices. Time must be dedicated to learning and sharing with your peers. Examples could be sharing strategies addressing differentiation, clear learning objectives at the beginning of class (bell-to-bell practices), teaching to the various types of learners especially males & females, taxonomic levels of learning from basic knowledge recall to more rigorous levels of analyzing and evaluation, etc. As we support, remind, share and use this time wisely, it will truly help make each one of us more skillful at our craft!

Dialogue w/Kapaa Middle School: Will be continuing our dialogue with the Kapaa Middle for focused discussions based on data addressing the various needed students transition data. The first mtg on Feb. 23rd with their faculty went well in discussing/providing that larger picture. Ongoing discussions will be planned for over the coming months.

Donation to Kapaa High: On March 1st, leaders representing American Savings Bank and DOE are scheduled to be on campus around mid-morning for a donation ceremony to our school. Please remind your students that about the GLO practices as we continue to be blessed with business and community supports....we must continue to build our community's confidence in our school as they entrust us with their children's education.

Special Faculty Meeting: With the Spring Break time frame and items needed to be addressed in timely manner, we will be having a special faculty meeting on Wednesday, March 2nd 2:00 p.m. @Library. Items to be discussed are the updated proposals for the SY 2012-13 bell schedule, SLC structure and strategies, staffing/teaching lines and budget.

State Board of Education Meeting: The State Board of Education will be having their next public meeting at Kekaha Elementary School on Thursday, March 3rd beginning at 7:00 p.m.

Have a great week!

Daniel S. Hamada
Kapaa High School
4695 Mailihuna Road
Kapaa, Kauai, Hawaii 96746
PH: (808) 821- 4401 ext. 102
FAX: (808) 821- 4420

Kapaa High School cares for and supports "ALL" students to be prepared for college, career, and citizenship in the 21st century.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Kamp Kauai’s Open House

Kamp Kauai’s Open House
By August Trumm (Advertising Director)

On Tuesday, March 1, 2011, the students of Kapa’a High School’s Virtual Enterprise class will be presenting their virtual business at Kaua’i Beach Resort’s Jasmine Ballroom. The presentation will be from 6:00 PM to 8:30 PM. The virtual business, Kamp Kaua’i, is a group/family-based camp that would be located along the Wailua River. It includes on-site and off-site activities, along with activities packages and overnight accommodations. Topics in the presentation will range from the making of the business plan, the employee manual, and the catalog to the construction of the website. The public is invited. Please RSVP as soon as possible, by calling Christine Farina at 808-821-4400 ext. 170.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Weekly Principal's Address Monday February 14

At Wednesday's, February 16th  faculty mtg, will focus on four areas that link closely together as part of our school's long term vision.   As you are aware, our school's Academic/Financial plan contains all four elements in providing our overall road map for accountability.  Four topics are:  
1st)  Smaller Learning Communities...... updates in our work on the 9th grade HUIs and the Mini - mags;    
2nd) Draft Bell Schedule for SY 2012-13......based on the departments mtg feedback/questions will determine our next steps;
3rd) SY 2011-12 Master Schedule draft.....we will discuss what staffing lines may be in place for SY 2011-12;  and
4th) SY 2011-12 staffing projections

Attached below is the breakdown of the instructional minutes per our current, proposed bell schedule and SLC updates  Asking that everyone review and discus at your department mtgs this week.
As shared earlier,  last week the State Board of Education approved School Year 2011-12 calendar.  Attaching Superintendent Matayoshi's memo and approved calendar.   2011-2012 Official School Calendar  Memo>>>                
Finally, a  friendly reminder that all staff must report and sign in on time.   Certainly understandable as there are unforeseen situations but quite concerned when this becomes a pattern.  This also includes excessive absences as well.    As professionals, we must be positive role models and please note that administration will require a meeting and documentation.

Principal @SLC Consortium Mtg:    I will be off campus Monday, Feb. 14th attending the Smaller Learning Consortium meeting.  Both Diane Ayre and Todd Harrison are in charge.

PACT:   Reminder to utilize your afternoon collaboration time fully this week as topics need to be addressed to determine our school's next steps.

Faculty Meeting:   The next faculty mtg will be held on Wednesday, Feb. 16th in the Library.  Agenda discussions will focus on the proposed bell schedule for SY 2012-13, SY 2011-12 master schedule and staffing, and Smaller Learning Community updates.  You'll also get to meet our new PCNC Nancy Boreliz at that time.

Kauai District Science Fair:   Hope that you are able to drop in to support Kauai's students whose science projects will be displayed at the Convention Hall in Lihue on Friday, Feb. 18th.  Visitation for the public Begins around 4:00 p.m. and the awards ceremony @6:00 p.m.

Have a great week!

Daniel S. Hamada
Kapaa High School

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Weekly Principal's Address 2-7-2011

Mahalo for the continued feedback addressing the proposed bell schedule for SY 2012-13.  Believe that we are coming to that point where most of the questions/feedback have been addressed.  In fact, a good number have shared that the bell proposal was taking a more definitive shape....especially as the "significant adult" period needed more clarification.   Remember that our goal is to first collectively create a proposed bell schedule, carry-out the voting process, and ultimately take that quality time next school year in finalizing/planning out the details.  Attached is the updated draft that will be discussed with department heads and faculty.

Administration will be sharing SY 2011-12 master schedule draft with the department heads and faculty over the next two weeks.  It will reflect number of projected positions and teaching lines.  Critical that we always keep that larger picture/goal in mind as each of these elements such the master schedule, bell schedule, and SLC HUIs & mini-mags, DSI assessment, etc. are linked together within our Academic/Financial plans.   Collectively all of these critical elements help form our road map toward our school's vision in preparing all students for college and careers in the 21st century.  Should any community individual(s) ask what Kapaa High School is about, you have your talking points to speak too.

This past week, the State Board of Education approved SY 2011-12 calendar and attached is the pdf.   Will provide a more specific calendar probably in April that includes major activities such as converting instructional days to professional development days, HSA testing dates, etc.

Finally, special thanks to Bridget Arume, the Eastside Family Summit Committee and the many volunteers for another successful event.   This past Saturday's event marked the 8th Annual Family Summit held to strengthen and inspire Kauai's families to choose a drug-free life through prevention and education.  Special kudos to our students and staff who volunteered and entertained...it was an   Outstanding Job and Outstanding Day!!!

Principal @State-level Mtg:    I will be off campus for most of Monday, Feb. 7th meeting with State Superintendent Matayoshi and several administrators.  Will be back in the office later Monday afternoon.  Both Diane Ayre and Todd Harrison are in charge.

Department Head Meeting:   The next department head mtg will be held on Wednesday, Feb. 9th in the Student Center Bldg. conference room.  Agenda discussions will focus on the proposed bell schedule, SY 2011-12 master schedule and staffing, and Smaller Learning Community updates.

Literacy for Learning:  The third session addressing Data for School Improvement - What Comes after Assessment" for Administrators and Literacy coaches will be held on Thursday, Feb. 10th @ 8:30 a.m. in the District Office Conference room 2nd floor.  Official memo from CAS Bill Arakaki is forthcoming.

Project Graduation fund-raiser:  Hope you can come out to support Kapaa high's Project Grad fund-raiser at the Kapaa McDonalds on Thursday, Feb. 10th starting @5:30 p.m.   Number of our staff and community individuals will be working at several stations.

SMART Board training session:    For those teachers that signed up for the Smart Board training, reminder that it will be held on Friday, 11th in the library starting promptly at 8:00 a.m.

Have a great week!

Daniel S. Hamada
Kapaa High School
4695 Mailihuna Road
Kapaa, Kauai, Hawaii  96746
PH:  (808) 821- 4401 ext. 102
FAX:  (808) 821- 4420