Kapaa High School | 4695 Mailihuna Rd. Kapaa, HI 96746 | Main Office Hours: 7am - 4pm M-F, Year Round | 808.821.4400
Nancy Borilez
, Kapaa High Parent Community Network Facilitator | Room I-102 (Main Office Bldg) | Direct 808.821.4401 x106 | nancy_borilez@notes.k12.hi.us

Monday, April 30, 2012

Updates - Week of April 30th

Congratulations to our Warrior JROTC Battalion! Great job on a very nice end of school year awards banquet on Saturday. Kudos for another memorable year of achievements, community service, and dedicated efforts. Special recognition to both Robert Levoit and Ian Verasammy for an outstanding year and their students always step it up another notch!

Accreditation Mid-term Updates: Overall we had a very positive mid-term visitation and much was accomplished. While the final report is still forthcoming, wanted to share some key points:
  • Visitation team were assured that our comprehensive school-wide efforts are very much on target.
  • They were impressed at the progress and positive work in our Smaller Learning Community (SLC) HUI & Academy work.
  • New bell schedule provides more educational opportunities for students as well as important professional learning time for staff.

Two areas that we will need to continue to focus on:
  • Standards based teaching/learning in all courses and classrooms.
  • Continue developing our systemic process to assess all programs, reform initiatives and professional development that is data driven and research based techniques.

I assured the accreditation team that their report can reflect our continued commitment that "all" classrooms will be standards-based and that we are striving to be a data driven school. Will provide a copy the report upon receipt.

Student Support:
  • With less that four weeks of school left, asking everyone to remain focused in addressing the students' tardies. We need everyone encouraging students to report into their classes in a timely manner.;
  • Please be consistent in reminding students about school shirts. While there are a few who challenge the rules, we need to vigilant in sending that consistent message;
  • Students are to remain in their classrooms until the bell rings. We are a bell-to-bell school and it is unacceptable to have students outside the room areas disturbing others; and
  • Over the past few days, several seniors lost their opportunity to participate in the graduation ceremony. Administration remains committed to holding seniors accountable to their senior contracts and in modeling GLOs.

Personnel Reminders: This serves as final reminder for teachers who teaching licenses have expired or are about to expire to address this immediately. Want to ensure that no one is penalized as it can be very challenging when one can't be added to next year's master schedule. Attached provides a reminder as to the renewal process.
Teacher License Renewal.pdf

Weekly Calendar: (Administration continuing classroom visitations this week)

Tuesday, May 1st: East Complex Principals' Mtg. @Kapaa Middle School 7:00 a.m.

Wednesday, May 2nd: Faculty PLC session @Chorus Room 1:45 p.m.

Thursday, May 3rd: Federal Programs Desk Audit @Principal's Office 7:30 & 8:30 a.m.
Department Head mtg. @Library 2:30 p.m.

Friday, May 4th: May Day Program 1:10 p.m. (Assembly Schedule #2)

Have a great week!

Daniel S. Hamada
Kapaa High School
4695 Mailihuna Road
Kapaa, Kauai, Hawaii 96746
PH: (808) 821- 4401 ext. 102
FAX: (808) 821- 4420

Kapaa High School cares for and supports "ALL" students to be prepared for college, career, and citizenship in the 21st century.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Updates - Week of April 23rd

Senior Projects: Over the course of this week, please take time during your day to convey your support and assurance to our seniors as they prepare for their senior project presentations. Certainly can feel their anxiety and anticipation but very confident that they will aspire in doing their very best. Accreditation Mid-term Visitation: This weeks mark our mid-term accreditation visit. Visiting Chairperson James Schlosser brings a wealth of experience as a secondary principal. Joining Jim will be Jaime Suehiro from Campbell High School. Jaime is very much respected by her peers as she sits on various boards and state-wide panels. Visiting team has reviewed the progress report and during their classroom visit will be asking questions pertaining to the progress report as well as instructional questions. Tardies: With approximately a month of school left, asking that ALL teachers/support staff to assist in getting students to their classes on. We have a tardy problem where we are inconsistent in allowing students to join the class very late. Teachers, please make it a habit to be at your doors urging kids loitering outside to come in, greeting students and closing the door to speed it up. Please take time during your period one classes to share that this tardy action will taking place. 4th Quarter Finals: Reminder, per feedback received, there will not be a finals block schedule and we will remain with our regular schedule. Senior Teachers: Please administer your finals on May 14, 15, or 16. Names of those seniors who are failing must be turned in to the counselors by 3:00 pm - Wednesday, May 16. We need to be responsive informing both student and parents in a timely manner with graduation scheduled for Friday, May 18th. Grade 9 -11 Teachers Finals will be given during the week of May 21 - 24, 2012. Teachers are expected to instruct until 2:20 pm on Thursday, May 24. Please have activities planned that will keep your students in your classroom that day. Weekly Calendar: (Administration continuing classroom visitations this week) Monday, April 23rd: Principal @Smaller Learning Communities Forum meeting @McKinley High 8:30 a.m. Tuesday, April 24th: Principals mtg. - State Bldg. @8:00 a.m. Thursday, April 26th: Mid-term Accreditation Visit Vice-Principals' mtg - State Bldg. @8:00 a.m. Have a great week! Daniel S. Hamada Principal Kapaa High School 4695 Mailihuna Road Kapaa, Kauai, Hawaii 96746 PH: (808) 821- 4401 ext. 102 FAX: (808) 821- 4420 daniel_hamada@notes.k12.hi.us

Monday, April 16, 2012

Updates - Week of April 16th

Kudos to our teachers that attended and help present at this past weekend's 2012 Hawaii Consortium of Smaller Learning Communities Conference on Oahu. Kapaa High School can be proud in that we continue to break new ground in helping students to be prepared for careers and college. There is no doubt that our collective work is providing an environment where groups of teachers and other adults knows the needs, interests, and aspirations of each student well, closely monitors progress , and provides the academic and other support that a student needs to succeed. Overall, the feedback continues to be very positive based on the presentations as well as our overall progress.

Hawaii State Assessment (HSA): The last three days for make-ups on the HSA along with home school students will take place from Monday, April 16th - Wednesday, April 18th. VP Diane Ayre will be contacting identified students in finishing the state assessments. Appreciate everyone's patience and support.

Classroom Expectation Reminders: During the course of visiting various classes, sharing important reminders:
Teachers must have their content area standards/benchmarks been covered posted. Standards/benchmarks should be student friendly so your students have that good grasp as to what the expectations are.
No movies are allowed to be shown unless approved by administration (educational videos are fine and if in doubt, please check with administration); we are a standards-based focused school and will make the best use of instructional time.
Bell to bell instruction is an expectation.
Accreditation Mid-term Visitation: The accreditation visit will be taking place next week. As the visiting team will want to meet with various departments along with their classroom visits, will be sure to inform those identified.

Common Core PLCs: Reminder that Kauai Complex Area will be having several coordinated K -12 training addressing the Common Core state Standards. Teachers representing each department were selected to attend and to help build capacity for our school. Beth Pemberton has been contacting identified teachers along with substitute codes.
Power/Prioritizing Common Core Standards and Unwrapping Seminars:
April 20 and May 7 6-12 Math Department 8:00 am to 3:00 pm.
May 8-9, 2012 6-12 English Department 8:00 am to 3:00 pm.
May 10-11, 2012 6-12 Other Departments 8:00 am to 3:00 pm.

Ho'okanaka Leadership Awards: Reminder that Leadership Kauai is sponsoring the Ho'okanaka Leadership Awards Banquet in recognizing and honoring exceptional adult and youth leadership on Kauai. Ian Versammy - JROTC and student Christina Maile Pico were nominated among Kauai's outstanding leaders. Please consider supporting by purchasing a dinner program ticket for $70 as our goal is to purchase a table for 10 ($700) representing Kapaa High's faculty and staff. Please see Col. Roberto Levoit for more information. As an update to this.....Leadership Kauai is also supporting our school in drafting grant proposals to build the "leadership" program currently in grade 9 HUIs and eventually into all grades over the next few years.

PLC sessions: As we enter into the final six weeks of school, we will be addressing the following topics at our May 2nd, 9th and 16th faculty PLC sessions. They include presentations and discussions on Teaching in Block Periods, Common Core State Standards, Intervention process, 2012-13 Teaching Lines, and HUI / Academy & Dept updates.

Weekly Calendar:

Monday, April 16th: Mandatory Meeting in preparing for Senior Project Presentation Rubrics @2:30 pm Library;
Principal conducting accreditation monitoring @Pearl City High School and returns on Friday

Tuesday, April 17th; Grade 9 HUI w/Michelle Swanson I-102 @7:454 am

Wednesday, April 18th: Grade 10 IDEAS Academy w/Michelle Swanson I-102 @7:45 am

Thursday, April 19th Grade 10 HOPES Academy w/Michelle Swanson I-102 @7:45 am

Friday, April 20th: Common Core Standards - Mathematics @Chiefess Kamakahelei Middle School Library 8 - 3:00 pm

Have a great week!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Updates - Week of April 9th

Student Recognition: Congratulations to our students who participated in this past week's Hawaii State Science and Engineering Fair (HSSEF), held at the Hawaii` Convention Center on Oahu. Special recognition to Savannah Frisk in receiving top recognition in Behavioral & Social Science category and selected to represent Hawaii schools at the International Science and Engineering Fair in May. Congratulations to Kalani Murakami and Marissa Goo in receiving awards from the Graduate Women in Science Organization and Casey Nakamura and Taylor McGinnis in receiving awards from the Hawaii Optometric Association and Hawaiian Eye Foundation. Special thanks to our Science teachers for their hard work in supporting our students!

Hawaii State Assessment (HSA): The final round for the HSA continues this week and Science Dept will be doing their 3rd round of testing. For those students who have to make up their Math and Reading assessments will be contacted shortly.

Accreditation Mid-term Visitation: Over the past few weeks I have been reminding everyone to prepare for our mid-term visit schedule for the week of April 23rd. Attached progress report should have been reviewed by all instructional and support staff. Administration will be conducting classroom visitations during the week.

4th Quarter Finals: Per the feedback received, there will not be a finals block schedule and we will remain with our regular schedule.
Senior Teachers: Seniors should be given finals May 14, 15, or 16. Names of those seniors who are failing must be turned in to the counselors by 3:00 pm - Wednesday, May 16. We need to be responsive informing both student and parents in a timely manner with graduation scheduled for Friday, May 18th.
Grade 9 -11 Teachers Finals will be given during the week of May 21 - 24, 2012. Teachers are expected to instruct until 2:20 pm on Thursday, May 24. Please have activities planned that will keep your students in your classroom that day.

Ho'okanaka Leadership Awards: Leadership Kauai is sponsoring the Ho'okanaka Leadership Awards Banquet in recognizing and honoring exceptional adult and youth leadership on Kauai. Kapaa High is very pleased to have two of our own being recognized. They are Ian Versammy - JROTC and Christina Maile Pico - student. Ask for your support in helping to purchase a dinner program ticket for $70 as our goal is to purchase a table for 10 ($700) representing Kapaa High's faculty and staff. Attached is an informational poster and please see Col. Roberto Levoit for more information. Kauai Leadership supports our school in providing leadership training for both students and adults.

Weekly Calendar: (Administration to be conducting classroom PEP-T visitations this week)

Tuesday, April 10th; Cross Curriculum/Common Planning 2:30 p.m.

Wednesday, April 11th: HOPES & IDEAS PLC session Rm I -100 1:45 pm

Thursday, April 12th Principal on Oahu for Citizenship Awards
Cross Curr/ Common Planning 2:30 p.m.

Saturday, April 14th: Smaller Learning Community Conference @McKinley High School

Have a great week!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Updates - Week of April 2nd

American Savings Bank for Education Presentation: Kudos to our students and staff for a job well done! Students' IPAD presentations, musical performances, welcoming and open conversations with the business partners really helped to set that special tone. Thanks also to Dave Mireles, Mike Maddock, Harriet Watanabe, Nancy Borilez, Catherine Paleka, Leila Kaneholani, and our cafeteria staff for helping to make this presentation a great success. CEO Rich Wacker again affirmed American Savings remains committed in supporting our school's vision. Truly an outstanding day for our school!

HOPES & IDEAS training sessions: Want to acknowledge next year's 10th grade HOPES & IDEAS HUI/ACADEMIES team members as their first training session got off to a great start. Appreciate Calvin Paleka representing his 9th grade HUI peers in sharing about their challenges, expectations, successes, and norms. Kudos to Mason Chock for his expertise in helping to build our Smaller Learning Community vision. Finally special thanks to Lisa Mireles for her passion, energy, and leadership in facilitating us through this wonderful journey!

Hawaii State Assessment (HSA): The final round for the HSA continues this week. Appreciate our Mathematics, English and Science teachers' focus and commitment in helping students to meet the benchmarks. Per Kelly Bailey's feedback, students taking the mathematics assessment are very close in meeting their targets.

Accreditation Mid-term Visitation: Over the past few weeks I have been reminding everyone to prepare for our 3 year revisit. The attached progress report should have been reviewed by all instructional and support staff. Administration will be conducting classroom visitations during the week.

3rd Quarter Reflections: Reminder that the 3rd quarter reflections are due electronically this Thursday, April 5th. Information will be compiled over the weekend to share with faculty prior to sending to the visitation committee.

SY 2012-13 Calendar: Attached next year's school calendar for your information.

Weekly Calendar:
Monday, April 2nd: Ellen Duffy Session 7:45 a.m. P-140

Tuesday, April 3rd: Ellen Duffy Sessions 7:45 a.m. P-140
East Complex Principals' Meeting - Kapaa High School 8:00 a.m. I-102
PLC session with Apple Representatives - 12:00 p.m. I-102

Wednesday, April 4th: HOPES training 7:45 a.m.

Thursday, April 5th IDEAS training 7:45 a.m.

Friday, April 6th: No School - Good Friday

Have a great week!